Dear President Obama:
I am an over-the-hill, open heart surgery survivor, and senior citizen; but,I am no fool. Your smile and public words regarding the BP platform disaster, suggests to me, and probably many other citizens, that you and your Administration have no plan "B"should things continue to deteriorate and "leakage" becomes a "gusher".
What I fear we are witnessing is a environmental and economic catastrophe of biblical proportion. Although human lives will not be a stake, the economic life of all U.S. Gulf states will be devastated for years to come. The seafood industry will collapse, sport fisheries will be dead, tourism will die off, with a cascading affect leading to 4 million + workers being unemployed, businesses going bankrupt and unemployed homeowners having their homes foreclosed, and families being put out in the street. I have yet to hear one word from you on how your administration will address this crippling circumstance that will make the economic impact of "Katrina" look like child's play.
Be honest instead of political. From a physical and experience perspective, everyone: BP, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Military, engineers and experts are operating in uncharted territory. Territory where the well head pressures are in the range of 4,000 to 6,000 pounds per square inch; where there is a probability that the submersibles will not be able to stem the flow of oil, and where the chances causing a blow-out are great. One expert likened it to a "volcano" on the verge of eruption.
So what are your and your Administrations plans? Is your justice department working on having all BP assets and operations placed in a trust, to satisfy the claims the U.S., States, citizens and other persons, will have against BP ? What about Congress, where is the pot of money hidden to extend unemployment and other benefits to the 4 million + Gulf State residents who will lose their jobs as businesses go bankrupt? We are not taking about bail-out here, we are taking about survival, economic survival. The survival of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Texas, delta and coastline dependent industries, businesses, workers and residents. It is as if the largest nuclear bomb known, has gone off in our backyard. What are your administrations plans? What are you doing, and going to do ? When ?
You have pledged billions to help Haiti, rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan,billions to Pakistan, more billions to help, support and subsidize countless foreign nations; but what about us, the U.S., the country you where elected President. I am listening, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Texas are listening,and if the leakage becomes a "gusher”, the entire Southern and East Coast of the U.S. will be listening.
A concerned citizen,