Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama, Mexico and the 2nd Amendment

U.S. President Obama, contrary to the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions affirming a citizens rights to keep and bear arms, has co-oped with Mexican President Calderon, to subvert the rights of U.S. Citizens. Obama has directed the ATF & Customs to adopt administrative rules and regulations that undermine the U.S. Constitution regarding the sale of firearms in the U.S., and has allowed Mexican President Calderon directive input in the formulation of U.S. laws, in affect, allowing Mexican President Calderon, equal status of a U.S. President.

Such misguided actions by Obama subordinate U.S. Sovereignty, and the rights of U.S. citizens to that of Mexico, and convert millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars for the direct benefit of Mexico. Under ordinary circumstances, a U.S. President would be impeached for such acts, but Emperor Obama, flanked by his minions in Congress, have no shame when it comes to selling out to foreign nations and disregarding the U.S. Constitution.

What can be done: the 112th Congress should put a stop to the flagrant violations of U.S. sovereignty, and U.S. Citizens rights, propounded by President Obama, by severely cutting the budget for administrative agencies. Congresses ability to restrain the unbridled actions of the President are limited; but Congress does have the power, authority and right pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, to determine how much the Executive Branch/President can spend. The President and Executive Branch, departments and agencies need to be put on a very limited “allowance”, no more in dollars than 15% of the total budget approved for the Executive Branch in 2010. The Department of Defense, should not be subject to such a limited “allowance” so long as the U.S. remains engaged in foreign conflicts; the DOD should be the only agency exempt from a strict diet.

Mexico is a special case, but representative of the trend President Obama and his administration have championed to subordinate the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Citizens rights to foreign powers. Mexico claims that the U.S. is totally responsible for the import of firearms/guns into Mexico ?
Has Mexico established a double picket line of its military along the the border with the U.S. and double checked each vehicle entering Mexico, the answer is obvious: NO ! Has Mexico established a double picket line of its military along the the border with the U.S. to mitigate human trafficking and the smuggling of drugs and persons into the U.S., the answer is obvious: NO ! Obama's message to Mexico, we, the U.S. take full responsibility for every adversity Mexico and Mexican President Calderon claim. Obama's message to Mexico, is his message to the rest of the world, U.S. Taxpayers and citizens will pay for every claim made by a foreign power.

Obama is a silver tongued president who will lead the U.S. ruin unless the 112th Congress develops backbone and retakes it's power and exercises it's duties under the Constitution.