D. Citizen Blog ~ Wake Up Call ~ People Power
Politicians have lead the U.S. astray and into bankruptcy ! The old U.S. Constitution, over time, gave every citizen the right to vote. Unfortunately, many citizens entitled to vote have not registered to vote, or simply don't vote because they don't believe they will have any effect on the outcome. And let's face it, until very recently, things have been pretty good, so citizens have not kept a watchful eye on what is going on in our State legislatures and in Congress.
TIMES HAVE CHANGED, things are getting worse, much worse and will continue downhill if we, as U.S. citizens, continue to be lead like sheep by Politicians in our State legislatures, and those in Congress and the White House. Regardless of your party affiliation, Politicians are motivated by personal greed and aspirations for power that leave the average citizen and voter in the dust. Politicians and Court Judges have become the masters and we are simply surfs of no consequence except to pay taxes.
Politicians, the White House and Courts have run this once great country into the ground. The combined lack of 'common sense' in our State capitols and in Washington, D.C., is astounding - THERE IS NONE. Greed and personal interest have dictated, and lead the U.S. economy to virtual collapse. The reliance on "Ivy Leaguers" has proven to be a disaster for the majority of citizens.
OK, we all know what is wrong, but how to "fix it". Back in 1995, anticipating a
collapse, a pamphlet titled " New Atlantis, The Re-Engineering of America " was published and sent to every U.S. Senator and Congressman, and the President and V.P.; as with other things sent to Washington, D.C., unless accompanied by a non-traceable 'donation' of $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 or more, it went directly into the trash. OUR 'HAND-OUT' FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE ROOT OF U.S. PROBLEMS.
1st, register to vote, and vote for a party or person who is not an incumbent, preferably a third party. Why, because the Democratic/Republican party log jam must be broken or it will continue to be business as usual, meaning nothing of substance will get done, $billions will be wasted, and individual citizens will all go broke feeding the hogs in State Capitols and in Washington, D.C. Remember, of all the matters of concern and importance to citizens, what merited the last
( 27th ) U.S. Constitutional Amendment ? CONGRESSIONAL SALARIES.
WASHINGTON, D.C. , does not give a crap about you or me; their pay is number 1.
*Does the U.S. Constitution ( yr. 1789 ) need to be updated ?
No __
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