Monday, August 11, 2008

Georgia - Here We Go Again - Common Thread= OIL

The recent rant of McCain regarding the Russian/Georgian situation reinforces his prior pledge, if elected, to engage in " 100 year[s] of war in the middle east ". As with Bush, McCain advocates diplomacy from the barrel of a gun, a gun for hired by Big Oil. NOTE McCAIN'S OPEN REFERENCE TO THE OIL PIPELINE IN THE REGION. As in the case of Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, the common underlying thread is OIL or pipelines transporting OIL.

McCain, Bush and crew have privatized the U.S. military, under the guise of U.S. interests, as the hit men for BIG OIL. We U.S. citizens will never know how many millions are being funneled into secret foreign bank accounts of Bush, Cheney, McCain, U.S. Generals and Admirals, by BIG OIL, in payment for their "services" in the middle-east.

People have short memories, President Eisenhower warned about the takeover of the U.S. Government by the military and industrial ( Big Oil ) interests. Here we go again, committing U.S. taxpayer dollars and American blood so that Big Oil and its execs can enjoy BIG PROFITS.

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