Monday, October 20, 2008

U.S.A. - a Ntion in Peril

The political and economic hurdles facing the U.S. are intertwined. The U.S. is a "class" society as indicated by the recent "financial" crisis created in and by the U.S. ultra rich "Wall-Street" class. The U.S. Congress passed "bail-out" legislation over the objection of the majority of main-street citizens, benefiting "Wall-Street" to the tune of over $700 billion U.S. dollars, slapping democracy in the face and merely paying lip-service to the struggling and diminishing U.S. middle-class. "Wall-Street" greed has infected world economies, resulting in a world economic crisis calculated to diminish the U.S. middle-class, and emerging middle-classes world wide .

In the U.S. the class struggle will take center stage during the upcoming U.S. Presidential election; stripped of rhetoric U.S. Republicans represent "Wall-Street" and the Democratic party represents middle-class "main-street". An anomaly in the U.S. Constitution [ adopted in 1789 ] precludes the President of the U.S. being selected by popular vote of the people. This anomaly coupled with a corrupted U.S. judicial system skews the election of the U.S. President in favor of "Wall-Street" Republicans, by eliminating over 49.9% of the popular vote and highlighting the fact that the U.S. was not created or structured as a "democracy". Regardless of who becomes the U.S. President, 2009-2012, the electoral anomaly will continue to cripple the U.S. in asserting the principles of democracy at home and abroad.

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