Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Political Contributions = BIG AIG $$$$$$ REWARDS

Obama was voted in to "change" Washington. The only change appears to be the party, now Democrats, that get "pay" to "play". AIG "invested" $100,000.+ in Senator Dodd, Senate Banking Chair, and $100,000.+ in Obama, now President. What AIG bought for these contributions was the AIG "loophole" Senator Dodd inserted in the massive, 1100+ page, American Recovery/Stimulus Act, Pub. Law 111-5, a loophole that has cost U.S. taxpayers $165,000,000. million in AIG bonuses to date and likely much more in the future. What a return for the AIG $200,000.00 investment !!, $165 million in less then 1 year !!! Political investments continue to pay off BIG, VERY BIG, by comparison to the paltry return hard working, main-street, Americans can get on bank CD's. The thing that has changed in Washington is BIGGER BONUSES for those who make significant campaign contributions. This is just the start, there are lots of "loopholes" in the 1100+ pages of Pub.Law 111-5, that will cost taxpayers many, many more billions and bankrupt future generations of citizens.

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