Blind Ambition - The U.S. War Against Terrorism
Troops, weapons, technology, security - trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent by Washington D.C. to combat the threat of terrorism around the world. The U.S. has been a warrior nation from it's very inception; the U.S. has always been about "FORCE". When the U.S. has run out of immediate foes, it has turned on itself, the Civil War 1860-1865. The mentality of Washington, and the U.S., is that every adversity can be overcome by the use of "force". This blind ambition of the U.S. regarding the current crusade, war, on "terrorism " is leading to the downfall of the U.S. and mass poverty of its citizens; it is a recipe for failure.
The "WARRIOR" mindset of the U.S. has promoted rather then abated the rise of "Terrorism". The primary tool for recruitment of future "Terrorists", those who will present problems for U.S. and Western allies for the next sixty ( 60 ) plus years, is the C.I.A./military, and political involvement in third world nations. The U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has guaranteed that there will be a plentiful supply of "Terrorists" for the next five or more generations. When the U.S. and Western allies kill thousands of civilians ( media speak: "collateral damage" ) thousands of surviving children, the majority who are orphaned, do not care about U.S. and Ally motives. Thousands of these orphans will grow-up hating the U.S. and Allies, and they will be willing recruits for ideological radicalization targeting the U.S., U.S. Allies, and the citizens of the U.S. and Allies.
No County, know matter how powerful, can, for but limited period of time, impose its values on, or convert entire populations of peoples with different views and religions, to it's way of thinking or lifestyle. As long as you hold a "gun" to some ones head they will agree with you, the question is: How long can the U.S. afford to occupy the many regions of the Middle-East, Africa, Indonesia and Eurasia, that are or will become the breeding grounds for "Terrorists" ?
What Washington, the U.S. and Western Allies, do not appear to understand is that there are opposing ideological and religious forces involved. Guns, bullets and bombs will not wipe out ideological and religious convictions and beliefs. No matter how many " Terrorists " the U.S. and Allies kill, there will be countless others to take their places. Killing the " Messenger " DOES NOT KILL THE MESSAGE.
What is the " Message " that Washington and Western Allies simply do not get:
STAY OUT OF THE BUSINESS of regions of the world where you are not welcome by the masses of the population, by virtue of political, religious, lifestyle and economic differences. Stop supporting Kings, Emirs and Regimes that exist by virtue of U.S. aid and the aid of Western Allies. India is much better off now that it is out from under the thumb of the British... hello !
What the U.S. and Western Allies can and should do, is to tighten up respective borders and limit the entry of non-citizens. This is a major task in and of itself, but something that is within the capability of the U.S. and Western Allies. The elimination of "Terrorism " and "Terrorists" is simply not an achievable or realistic goal.
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