" Much to do about nothing " is an appropriate label for the media "clubs"[ CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC ] flap over the Shirley Sherrod situation. Every mainstream media outlet, edits speeches, and reduces the total presentation to a very short sound-bite, that illustrates the point and prejudice the t.v.station, "newspaper", magazine, talk-radio, etc. advocates. This "holier then thou" criticism over the Sherrod sound-bite of a "club" outsider, orchestrated by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and other media hypocrites, is nothing short of an organized attempt to censor other opinions, and diminish 1st Amendment Constitutional rights.
CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and politically correct collaborators
are in love with the idea of BIG ALL CONTROLLING government, much like the U.S.S.R. used to be. The proliferation of the internet has provided those outside the "club"
with the opportunity to express opposing views and opinions, and the "club" does not like it - BOO HOO.
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