Saturday, May 4, 2013


The U.S. Congress has been " asleep at the switch " for well over 100 years.  Instead of the 16th Amendment ( 1913 - Income Tax ) designed to line the pockets of politicians and give birth to BIG BROTHER, a Congress of statesmen, instead of politicians, would have amended the U.S. Constitution to provide a semblance of democracy by National Referendum. An Amendment providing for a National Referendum would have allowed the citizenry a say in issues and matters affecting the U.S. and their lives.

Had the Congress of the day acted responsibly and passed a National Referendum amendment, the current Congress would not be stalemated on issues like: gun control gay marriage, abortion, immigration, involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, or the orderly succession of States no longer finding it beneficial to be part of the the U.S.

Congress does not want the citizenry to have any direct power or say in matters and affairs that affect the Nation, and the lives of the citizenry. The U.S. system vis-a-vis congress and a republican form of government, is broken, and a far, far cry from a democracy. Isn't it time for the U.S. citizenry to have a more direct say, and voice,  in government ? One small step to brake the stalemates of Congress would be to Amend the U.S. Constitution to provide for National Referendums; an Amendment providing for National Referendums would also be one small step in the direction of democracy, SMALL STEPS THE U.S. CONGRESS REFUSES TO TAKE.

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