Monday, September 1, 2008

CAUTION WORLD - Hockey Mom Has Finger on Nuclear Trigger

Living outside the U.S. has become more dangerous with each passing day. The invasion of Iraq demonstrates that U.S. foreign policy boils down to a military "preemptive" first strike, shock and awe, bombs away assault on whom ever Washington perceives as a potential threat to U.S. business or military interests. During the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration exercised restraint in not using the nuclear option, largely do to the unpopularity of the war in the U.S. The nuclear option was first used by the U.S. in 1945 as a means of obtaining an "unconditional surrender " by Japan and the U.S. has been the only nuclear power to exercise this holocaust "option". The U.S. War College has run computer scenarios for the use of nuclear weapons in the Middle-East, Asia, and Eastern Europe, and U.S. nuclear assets have been deployed and stationed adjacent to these target regions.

Only in America ( the U.S.A. ) would a hockey-mom be in a position to pull the nuclear trigger killing millions of innocent civilians in other parts of the world. Other nuclear powers have more sense of responsibility then exercised in the U.S., and our NATO allies should take note of this uniquely U.S. anomaly.

Senator John McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his Presidential running
mate demonstrates that U.S. politics is prone to pandering to the primal feelings of a self-absorbed, naive and ignorant population. Yet a population that has the power to put
a hockey mom's finger on the nuclear trigger.

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