Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Let's take a look at Republicans and the Republican Administration : lower taxes, small government, no regulation, private companies, capitalism, let market forces determine who survives.

Reality: largest expansion of Government in history - Bush created Dept. of Homeland Security, in your face, listening to your phone and e-mails, no restraints on invasion of privacy; largest debt in history - trillions of dollars; privatization of utilities = higher prices and poor service to average household; lower taxes - only if your income is based on capital gains from stock options and you make over $225,000.; capitalism, let the market determine what business survives - except in cases where billionaire Republican CEO's are concerned, then the Republicans take $85 billion of taxpayer dollars so their Republican buddy CEO's and Board members can buy 200 foot yachts and add an 8th mansion to their lists of houses. IN SHORT REPUBLICANS ARE FRAUDS, THEY HAVE DEFRAUDED THE TAXPAYERS, AND JOHN MCCAIN IS A CARD CARRYING MEMBER OF THIS CRIME SYNDICATE. McCain got a pass on the Keating Five, 1980's Savings and Loan scandal/ cost taxpayers $124billion; one of his sons was on the Board of the recently failed Silver State Bank, who knows what connections McCain and family had with another recent Arizona Bank failure - 1st National Bank of Arizona, and how about his wife's, Cindy's, business and family interests, any AIG connections ?

Every average citizen with an once of savvy should small the rats, liars and hypocrites that make up this bunch of Republican thieves. Vote for McCain and one might as will empty their pockets out so John and friends can buy new jets, mansions and yachts. Palin, as Gods representative, is along for the gravy train. Health Care for the nation - to expensive, socialism, would cost $30-40 billion; $85 billion for your billionaire buddies -capitalism's finest hour; that's the Republican way.

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