Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama, Mexico and the 2nd Amendment

U.S. President Obama, contrary to the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions affirming a citizens rights to keep and bear arms, has co-oped with Mexican President Calderon, to subvert the rights of U.S. Citizens. Obama has directed the ATF & Customs to adopt administrative rules and regulations that undermine the U.S. Constitution regarding the sale of firearms in the U.S., and has allowed Mexican President Calderon directive input in the formulation of U.S. laws, in affect, allowing Mexican President Calderon, equal status of a U.S. President.

Such misguided actions by Obama subordinate U.S. Sovereignty, and the rights of U.S. citizens to that of Mexico, and convert millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars for the direct benefit of Mexico. Under ordinary circumstances, a U.S. President would be impeached for such acts, but Emperor Obama, flanked by his minions in Congress, have no shame when it comes to selling out to foreign nations and disregarding the U.S. Constitution.

What can be done: the 112th Congress should put a stop to the flagrant violations of U.S. sovereignty, and U.S. Citizens rights, propounded by President Obama, by severely cutting the budget for administrative agencies. Congresses ability to restrain the unbridled actions of the President are limited; but Congress does have the power, authority and right pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, to determine how much the Executive Branch/President can spend. The President and Executive Branch, departments and agencies need to be put on a very limited “allowance”, no more in dollars than 15% of the total budget approved for the Executive Branch in 2010. The Department of Defense, should not be subject to such a limited “allowance” so long as the U.S. remains engaged in foreign conflicts; the DOD should be the only agency exempt from a strict diet.

Mexico is a special case, but representative of the trend President Obama and his administration have championed to subordinate the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Citizens rights to foreign powers. Mexico claims that the U.S. is totally responsible for the import of firearms/guns into Mexico ?
Has Mexico established a double picket line of its military along the the border with the U.S. and double checked each vehicle entering Mexico, the answer is obvious: NO ! Has Mexico established a double picket line of its military along the the border with the U.S. to mitigate human trafficking and the smuggling of drugs and persons into the U.S., the answer is obvious: NO ! Obama's message to Mexico, we, the U.S. take full responsibility for every adversity Mexico and Mexican President Calderon claim. Obama's message to Mexico, is his message to the rest of the world, U.S. Taxpayers and citizens will pay for every claim made by a foreign power.

Obama is a silver tongued president who will lead the U.S. ruin unless the 112th Congress develops backbone and retakes it's power and exercises it's duties under the Constitution.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Transition from REPUBLIC to DEMOCRACY

As it should well be known, the United States was formed as a Republic and NOT as a democracy. During the past 60 years, the term "democracy" as been erroneously tossed around and touted as equivalent to Republic. The distinction is more then a matter of semantics. It is time the citizenry of the United States recognize that we must take the next step toward "democracy", and amend the United States Constitution to provide for an "initiative-referendum" process common to many States. The "initiative" process gives registered voters the right to directly participate in the Federal Government and laws that affect every citizen regardless of your State of residency. The proposed Amendment that follows gives each U.S. citizen the right to participate in the Federal Government ( Washington, D.C. ), a right that no individual citizen or group of citizens has under existing provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

AMENDMENT #___ ( proposed ), to the Constitution of the United States:

SECTION 1. All political power is inherent in the citizenry.
Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit,
and they have the right to alter or reform it when the citizens
may require; further, prior provisions of this Constitution that are inconsistent herewith are specifically repealed and superseded hereby, including, but not limited to Article V of this Constitution of the United States.

SECTION 2. No person shall be deemed a citizen until they attain 18 years of age. Corporations and other artificial entities are not persons
and are not entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens. Only persons who have attained 18 years of age, and are otherwise qualified to vote, shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens.

SECTION 3. Citizens who are qualified and duly registered to vote in any State of the United States inherently have and shall forever retain to power to directly change, modify, adopt, reject and/or repeal any statute, law of the United States or provision of or to this Constitution, or to adopt a new Constitution, by citizens initiative.

(a) An initiative measure may be proposed by presenting, to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, a petition that sets forth the text of the proposed statute, law and/or amendment to this Constitution and is certified to have been signed by one hundred-thousand citizen registered voters whose signatures and citizenship are confirmed by the respective Governors of the State or States where such citizen voters are duly registered to vote.

(b) Once a citizens initiative petition has been lodged with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, without amendment, it may be voted on by the full House of Representatives, and if passed by 60% vote of the Representatives, it shall immediately become and be the law of the United States.

(c) In the event the House of Representatives fails to pass the citizens initiative, then in any such event, the initiative shall be placed on the ballot for the next general election, and if passed by 60% of the citizens who vote at the general election, it shall, within 30 days of such general election, become the law of the United States;provided further, each Representative who voted against said initiative in the House, shall be immediately terminated and removed as Representative for the respective Congressional District, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled by appointment by the Governor of the respective State, for the remainder of the term of the Representative so terminated and removed.

SECTION 4. The House of Representatives shall have the power to submit any matter or issue directly for vote by citizen registered voters at a general election or special election. This shall be known as a referendum, to be voted on by the citizenry, to approve or reject statutes or parts of statutes that the House of Representatives may not agree on or be deadlocked on. The Senate shall not have the power or authority of referendum.

(a) A referendum measure may be proposed by 60% affirmative vote of the House of Representatives, after which affirmative vote the referendum shall be placed on the next general election ballot or on the ballot of a special election called for such purpose. Special Elections of referendum issues, shall only be called, if an emergency is declared by the President of the United States. Any Declaration of War, or for the deployment of troops on foreign soil, shall be submitted to the citizenry for vote, by referendum, at a special election called for such purpose.

(b) Referendum issues voted for by 60% of the citizens who vote at a general election, shall, within 30 days of such general election, become the law of the United States without further vote by the House of Representatives, Senate or signature of the President of the United States.

(c) Referendum issues voted for by 60 % of the citizens who vote at any special election, without further vote by the House of Representatives or Senate, shall become the law of the United States when signed by the President of the United States.

SECTION 5. No court, including the United States Supreme Court, tribunal or officer, shall have any power or authority to review, alter, suspend, enjoin or modify any law, statute or Constitutional provision or any part or parts thereof passed by vote of the citizenry by or through the initiative or referendum process.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The are many recent rulings by Federal Court judges that nullify millions of votes cast by individual citizens on issues of concern. This anomaly, finds its root in 1788, on the ratification of what is know recognized as Article III of the United States Constitution. A Constitution adopted for 13 colonies, with a total non-slave population of 2.4 million, framed by 17th century political views. This outdated document, contrary to popular notion, did not establish a Democracy. Times have changed, the population of the U.S. is estimated to top 350,000,000 million, 37 States with there own Constitutions, voting rights and Government structures have been added; and, all citizens regardless of sex, race, national origin, color or creed now have the RIGHT to vote, and their votes counted.

Enter Article III from 1788: Article III essentially nullifies the vote of every citizen of every State; further, Article III invalidates the process and orderly governance of every State. Article III gives one appointed Federal Judge the authority to invalidate any State law and the ten’s of millions of votes cast by citizens. Essentially, Article III creates the Kingdom of Federal Courts, with the sole authority to legislate how every citizen should live. Article III guarantee’s that the United States will never be a Democracy and that elections and votes are nothing but theater. Article III is an obstruction to Democracy and citizens voting rights.

Recently, by the use of modern technologies, it was discovered that the
July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence, was penned with the word “subjects”and later changed to citizens. The truth was first written, all persons in the U.S.are mere “subjects” pursuant to Article III; subjects to Federal Judges, who in the likeness of Gods, are appointed for life, but who’s determinations extend far beyond the actual life of any Federal Judge.

It is time for the States and citizens to wake up to the fact that the United States is a dictatorship ruled by non-elected Federal Judges. The time has come for States and citizens to stand-up for and take back their rights, including the right to vote and have each vote be counted. The U.S. Constitution begs to be Amended and Article III be repealed. The following is one suggestion for a change that will bring the U.S. closer to a democracy, where citizens votes count.


Section 1. Article III, Judicial Branch, of the Constitution of 1788-9,
is specifically repealed, null and void. Neither the Supreme Court nor any inferior Federal Court, as my hereinafter be approved by vote of seventy-five (75%) of Congress,shall have any authority whatsoever to adjudicate any matter voted on and/or approved by the citizens of any State pursuant to State Constitutions. Article VI , General Provisions, of the Constitution of 1788-9 is amended as follows, Section 1 is repealed; the language of Section 2 is stricken and replaced by new Section 1 as follows: This Constitution, as amended, and the laws enacted pursuant hereto, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the laws duly enacted by any State, shall be the general law of the land, and each State and all State officers shall have concurrent jurisdiction to enforce Federal laws, rules, regulations, directives or orders within the respective States. Article VI , Section 3 - Oath of office, is repealed and replaced with new Section 2 as follows: The President , Vice-President, Department or Agency Secretaries, all Federal officers and officials including all members of Congress shall swear on written oath that each shall fully read, and, by initial endorse each any every bill, rule, regulation, directive or order, before the passage or adoption of the same; and shall fully enforce all Federal and general laws; further, in the event any Federal officer or official violates their oath of office, that person, including the President, Vice-President, Department or Agency Secretary, shall automatically forfeit and resign from office, or be forcibly removed from office and imprisoned for a period of not less than the remainder of the term of said office.

Section 2. Federal Judicial Authority - The Judicial Authority of the Federal Government shall be limited to : a) matters in dispute between States; b) matters in dispute between citizens of different States; c) laws passed by Congress, and rules regulations, directives or orders of any Federal agency including the U.S. military; d)disputes between citizens and any Federal agency; e) franchised entities including corporations are not citizens but artificial entities and shall not have standing in Federal Courts except in limited matters where a Federal agency rule, regulation , directive or order is specifically addressed to a particular corporation or artificial entity; f) except as provided herein, no non-citizen or person shall have standing before any Federal Court; g) The Judicial authority shall not extend beyond internationally recognized territorial boundary of 12 nautical miles from U.S. States and extended seaward economic zone ( 200 miles ) and any person or entity violating U.S. or State laws, rules, regulations, directives or orders applicable within such territorial boundary or extended economic zone.

Section 3. Federal Judges. There shall be one Federal Supreme Court, known by the aforesaid title. The Federal Supreme Court shall consist of nine (9) non-appointed Judges selected by public blind draw lot to serve for a term of no more the six years (6). All other Federal Judges shall be non-appointed and selected by public blind draw lot to serve for a term of no more then four (4) years. No Federal Judge shall serve for more then one (1) term. Any natural born citizen of citizens of the United States or any State, who is at least thirty-five years of age and has at least a four year degree from a recognized college or university in any State of the United States; is a duly registered voter in a State of residence in the United States; has not been convicted of any felony criminal offense, or aggravated misdemeanor; is of good character and not a member of any recognized terrorist organization; may upon affidavit of credentials, have his or her name placed in the lot for blind public drawing to fill Federal Judgeship positions including Federal Supreme Court positions. Federal Supreme Court judges selected by lot shall, each year, vote for one of the lot to act as Chief Judge for one year of the selected judges six (6 ) year term. The Federal Supreme Court Chief judge shall have the authority to promulgate administrative rules to provide for the orderly administration of the Federal Courts, so long as said rules do not compromise due process, individual, civil and voting rights as otherwise provided for in the U.S. Constitution as amended.

Section 4. Federal Judges shall be personally and individually liable for violation the individual, Constitutional, civil, or voting rights of any citizen. ”

The above is an example of the type of Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that is needed to stop the dictatorship by Federal Judges, where a single Federal Judge can invalidate the votes of millions of citizen voters. Citizens are entitled to have their votes count.

Friday, July 23, 2010

THROW OFF the Shackles of Washington, D.C., and Declare Independence

Big, in-your-face, all controlling, government was the inception of the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. Woody figured the by conning Congress into passing the Revenue Act of 1913 [Federal Income Tax ] and the 16th Amendment, he could strangle States and citizens into submission and fund an ever growing Washington bureaucracy. Woody's grand scheme did not stop with the U.S., he wanted a world government, controlled of course, by him, as the President of the U.S.. Woody fathered the League of Nations ( 1919 ) which, after WWII, morphed into the United Nations (1945) a collection of allied powers that had defeated Germany; and, the new world order, dominated by the U.S.. The U.S. urged and embraced the formation of the International Court of Justice [ ICJ ], as part of the new world order and U.N.. One of the primary functions of the ICJ is to determine the legitimacy of claims between nation states, and within nation states between groups seeking separate, nation state recognition.

Fast forward to the 21st Century, 2010. There was once a nation state known as Yugoslavia, but that was not a satisfactory state of affairs for many within Yugoslavia who wanted their own separate nation states. Thanks to the U.N., U.S. and allies, Yugoslavia was busted up into smaller pieces, each being given separate nation state status, each with land areas a fraction of the size of most U.S. States. So, via the U.N. and ICJ, and fully supported and embraced by the United States, Yugoslavia was initially broken into seven (7) separate nations: Albania; Bosnia/Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Macedonia; Montenegro and Serbia.

There is a small area in Serbia, about the size Maricopa County, one of Arizona's many Counties, that was not happy. Using the mechanism that was initiated by the United States, and adopted by the U.N., Kosovo DECLARED INDEPENDENCE from Serbia and the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) in July, 2010, held that it was legal and did not violate international law for Kosovo to declare independence and be recognized ( as the U.S. has done ) as a separate nation state. Not only has the U.S. recognized and embraced this small geographic area as a separate nation, but the Obama Administration is pouring hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in, to support the Kosovo regime.

The point of this little history lesson is, today, unlike in 1861 ( 1861-5, U.S. Civil War ) there is a recognized legal mechanism for State's of the United States to break the shackles Washington, D.C., has imposed upon them and their citizens. Arizona is being sued by BIG BROTHER OBAMA; Arizona should
follow Kosovo's lead and Declare Independence from the United States. Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Texas should also consider doing the same. Washington, D.C., has done nothing to protect these States and their citizens, e.g., BP gulf oil disaster.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Media use of word " NEWS" is a bit of a Fraud

" Much to do about nothing " is an appropriate label for the media "clubs"[ CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC ] flap over the Shirley Sherrod situation. Every mainstream media outlet, edits speeches, and reduces the total presentation to a very short sound-bite, that illustrates the point and prejudice the t.v.station, "newspaper", magazine, talk-radio, etc. advocates. This "holier then thou" criticism over the Sherrod sound-bite of a "club" outsider, orchestrated by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and other media hypocrites, is nothing short of an organized attempt to censor other opinions, and diminish 1st Amendment Constitutional rights.

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and politically correct collaborators
are in love with the idea of BIG ALL CONTROLLING government, much like the U.S.S.R. used to be. The proliferation of the internet has provided those outside the "club"
with the opportunity to express opposing views and opinions, and the "club" does not like it - BOO HOO.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

OPEN LETTER TO: President Obama re Crude Oil Gusher in Gulf of Mexico

Dear President Obama:

I am an over-the-hill, open heart surgery survivor, and senior citizen; but,I am no fool. Your smile and public words regarding the BP platform disaster, suggests to me, and probably many other citizens, that you and your Administration have no plan "B"should things continue to deteriorate and "leakage" becomes a "gusher".

What I fear we are witnessing is a environmental and economic catastrophe of biblical proportion. Although human lives will not be a stake, the economic life of all U.S. Gulf states will be devastated for years to come. The seafood industry will collapse, sport fisheries will be dead, tourism will die off, with a cascading affect leading to 4 million + workers being unemployed, businesses going bankrupt and unemployed homeowners having their homes foreclosed, and families being put out in the street. I have yet to hear one word from you on how your administration will address this crippling circumstance that will make the economic impact of "Katrina" look like child's play.

Be honest instead of political. From a physical and experience perspective, everyone: BP, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Military, engineers and experts are operating in uncharted territory. Territory where the well head pressures are in the range of 4,000 to 6,000 pounds per square inch; where there is a probability that the submersibles will not be able to stem the flow of oil, and where the chances causing a blow-out are great. One expert likened it to a "volcano" on the verge of eruption.

So what are your and your Administrations plans? Is your justice department working on having all BP assets and operations placed in a trust, to satisfy the claims the U.S., States, citizens and other persons, will have against BP ? What about Congress, where is the pot of money hidden to extend unemployment and other benefits to the 4 million + Gulf State residents who will lose their jobs as businesses go bankrupt? We are not taking about bail-out here, we are taking about survival, economic survival. The survival of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Texas, delta and coastline dependent industries, businesses, workers and residents. It is as if the largest nuclear bomb known, has gone off in our backyard. What are your administrations plans? What are you doing, and going to do ? When ?

You have pledged billions to help Haiti, rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan,billions to Pakistan, more billions to help, support and subsidize countless foreign nations; but what about us, the U.S., the country you where elected President. I am listening, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Texas are listening,and if the leakage becomes a "gusher”, the entire Southern and East Coast of the U.S. will be listening.

A concerned citizen,

Friday, March 26, 2010


Regardless of the political rhetoric an hype, the middle-class [ those with annual earnings between $35,000. and $88,000. ] as always, will shoulder the burden and pay the price for Health Care reform. The HC Bill does not prevent Health insurers from increasing premiums related to rising health and prescription drug costs, and mandates substantial new risks that insurers will translate into significant premium increases. Let's face reality, something Congress fails to do when passing legislation. The new law mandates that folks cannot be excluded because of preexisting conditions AND eliminates caps on payouts for care. Sounds great, but the reality is that Health Insurers are in business, a business for PROFIT, even through technically incorporated as a non-profit. The bottom line: premiums are going to SKYROCKET !!!

Congress says “...don't worry middle class and poor...” we have you covered; we will subsidize your health care premium costs, on a sliding scale, of course; less for the family making $88,000 annually, more for the family making $30,000 or less annually, by taxing the rich, defined as those making more then $200,000.00 annually. Sounds great, but Congress and most U.S. High School graduates are not good at math. Using government figures this translates into around 900,000 high earners who will be subject to a 3.8% tax generating at best $ 3 billion to 3.5 billion in added revenue. This new tax will be a drop in the bucket when the costs of adding 31 million now uninsured, plus an additional 12 million who will become uninsured ( as a result of the recession and unemployment ); 41 million NEW insureds. In the next two years ( 2012) there is a probability of immigration reform, that will add an additional 20 million to the subsidy roll. The realistic number of persons entitled to a government health subsidy( your taxpayer dollars ) by 2014, jumps to 63 million.

Under the new law, the average family of four ( 4 ) minimum monthly health insurance premium will be in the $1000.00 range; $12,000. 00 a year plus co-pays. 75% of the new 63 million enrollees' will be subsidized; 47million 250thousand ( 47, 250,000 ) x ( times ) a 50% subsidy means the government (you the taxpayer via Congress) will have to come up with a minimum of $2 trillion 835 billion dollars by 2014 to fund the program, and this does NOT INCLUDE the costs of medicare.

The other reality is that by 2012, according to U.S. Government figures, 23% of the U.S. Population ( estimated to be 350 million ) will be over 65 years of age and on medicare: 80 million 500 thousand medicare beneficiaries. Even by CUTTING MEDICARE payments to $6,000 per year per senior [ currently around $9900.00 a year per medicare senior is paid to Medicare Advantage providers ] and by REDUCING COVERAGE[to bare bones/guaranteeing early death ] the government will have to come up with an additional $ 483 billion dollars pushing the 2014 deficit to OVER $3,200,000,000,000.00 TRILLION FOR HEALTH CARE ALONE.

How about coverage: on PAPER everyone will have coverage; but try and find a M.D. who will accept the medicaid or medicare payment as total payment for his or her bill. Go on, go ask your doctor.

Crank up the presses, the dollar........ will it be worth 10 cents ? What is our banker ( China ) going to say ? Hello, … another bankrupt nation headed toward third world status.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

BLIND AMBITION - The U.S. WAR Against Terrorism

Blind Ambition - The U.S. War Against Terrorism

Troops, weapons, technology, security - trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent by Washington D.C. to combat the threat of terrorism around the world. The U.S. has been a warrior nation from it's very inception; the U.S. has always been about "FORCE". When the U.S. has run out of immediate foes, it has turned on itself, the Civil War 1860-1865. The mentality of Washington, and the U.S., is that every adversity can be overcome by the use of "force". This blind ambition of the U.S. regarding the current crusade, war, on "terrorism " is leading to the downfall of the U.S. and mass poverty of its citizens; it is a recipe for failure.

The "WARRIOR" mindset of the U.S. has promoted rather then abated the rise of "Terrorism". The primary tool for recruitment of future "Terrorists", those who will present problems for U.S. and Western allies for the next sixty ( 60 ) plus years, is the C.I.A./military, and political involvement in third world nations. The U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has guaranteed that there will be a plentiful supply of "Terrorists" for the next five or more generations. When the U.S. and Western allies kill thousands of civilians ( media speak: "collateral damage" ) thousands of surviving children, the majority who are orphaned, do not care about U.S. and Ally motives. Thousands of these orphans will grow-up hating the U.S. and Allies, and they will be willing recruits for ideological radicalization targeting the U.S., U.S. Allies, and the citizens of the U.S. and Allies.

No County, know matter how powerful, can, for but limited period of time, impose its values on, or convert entire populations of peoples with different views and religions, to it's way of thinking or lifestyle. As long as you hold a "gun" to some ones head they will agree with you, the question is: How long can the U.S. afford to occupy the many regions of the Middle-East, Africa, Indonesia and Eurasia, that are or will become the breeding grounds for "Terrorists" ?

What Washington, the U.S. and Western Allies, do not appear to understand is that there are opposing ideological and religious forces involved. Guns, bullets and bombs will not wipe out ideological and religious convictions and beliefs. No matter how many " Terrorists " the U.S. and Allies kill, there will be countless others to take their places. Killing the " Messenger " DOES NOT KILL THE MESSAGE.

What is the " Message " that Washington and Western Allies simply do not get:
STAY OUT OF THE BUSINESS of regions of the world where you are not welcome by the masses of the population, by virtue of political, religious, lifestyle and economic differences. Stop supporting Kings, Emirs and Regimes that exist by virtue of U.S. aid and the aid of Western Allies. India is much better off now that it is out from under the thumb of the British... hello !

What the U.S. and Western Allies can and should do, is to tighten up respective borders and limit the entry of non-citizens. This is a major task in and of itself, but something that is within the capability of the U.S. and Western Allies. The elimination of "Terrorism " and "Terrorists" is simply not an achievable or realistic goal.