Friday, March 26, 2010


Regardless of the political rhetoric an hype, the middle-class [ those with annual earnings between $35,000. and $88,000. ] as always, will shoulder the burden and pay the price for Health Care reform. The HC Bill does not prevent Health insurers from increasing premiums related to rising health and prescription drug costs, and mandates substantial new risks that insurers will translate into significant premium increases. Let's face reality, something Congress fails to do when passing legislation. The new law mandates that folks cannot be excluded because of preexisting conditions AND eliminates caps on payouts for care. Sounds great, but the reality is that Health Insurers are in business, a business for PROFIT, even through technically incorporated as a non-profit. The bottom line: premiums are going to SKYROCKET !!!

Congress says “...don't worry middle class and poor...” we have you covered; we will subsidize your health care premium costs, on a sliding scale, of course; less for the family making $88,000 annually, more for the family making $30,000 or less annually, by taxing the rich, defined as those making more then $200,000.00 annually. Sounds great, but Congress and most U.S. High School graduates are not good at math. Using government figures this translates into around 900,000 high earners who will be subject to a 3.8% tax generating at best $ 3 billion to 3.5 billion in added revenue. This new tax will be a drop in the bucket when the costs of adding 31 million now uninsured, plus an additional 12 million who will become uninsured ( as a result of the recession and unemployment ); 41 million NEW insureds. In the next two years ( 2012) there is a probability of immigration reform, that will add an additional 20 million to the subsidy roll. The realistic number of persons entitled to a government health subsidy( your taxpayer dollars ) by 2014, jumps to 63 million.

Under the new law, the average family of four ( 4 ) minimum monthly health insurance premium will be in the $1000.00 range; $12,000. 00 a year plus co-pays. 75% of the new 63 million enrollees' will be subsidized; 47million 250thousand ( 47, 250,000 ) x ( times ) a 50% subsidy means the government (you the taxpayer via Congress) will have to come up with a minimum of $2 trillion 835 billion dollars by 2014 to fund the program, and this does NOT INCLUDE the costs of medicare.

The other reality is that by 2012, according to U.S. Government figures, 23% of the U.S. Population ( estimated to be 350 million ) will be over 65 years of age and on medicare: 80 million 500 thousand medicare beneficiaries. Even by CUTTING MEDICARE payments to $6,000 per year per senior [ currently around $9900.00 a year per medicare senior is paid to Medicare Advantage providers ] and by REDUCING COVERAGE[to bare bones/guaranteeing early death ] the government will have to come up with an additional $ 483 billion dollars pushing the 2014 deficit to OVER $3,200,000,000,000.00 TRILLION FOR HEALTH CARE ALONE.

How about coverage: on PAPER everyone will have coverage; but try and find a M.D. who will accept the medicaid or medicare payment as total payment for his or her bill. Go on, go ask your doctor.

Crank up the presses, the dollar........ will it be worth 10 cents ? What is our banker ( China ) going to say ? Hello, … another bankrupt nation headed toward third world status.