It is difficult to let go of the past, but the " good old days ", as some would say, have been gone forever. G.M., Chrysler and Ford represent the past, and have gone the way of the " Wild West ". Public consensus has moved on, yet the U.S. Congress is bogged down with past memories of glory days in large part do to the lack of a term limits amendment and the promotion of members based on seniority as opposed to competence. Congress does not "get it"as best illustrated by the passage of the $700 billion Wall-Street Bail-Out opposed by main-street U.S.A. And where did the $700 billion get main-street, deeper in debt.
For the past two years, main-street has known the U.S. is in a recession, duh; but Congress and the Administration are still struggling to recover from a drug induced haze, and admit what has been common knowledge for well over a year. Now, these masters of the universe are jaw boning with the rich and now infamous CEO's of what once were the Big 3 ( G.M., Ford, Chrysler ) U.S. automakers about what can be done to insure the survival of these white elephants. Think of it this way, if the CEO's and really knew their stuff, they would not be before Congress asking for a now $34 billion, soon to be a $75 billion and who knows, maybe a $125 billion or more taxpayer life ring. It's a blind leading the blind scenario, that spells disaster for main-street and the U.S. taxpayer. You would think at least one of the congressional committee heads would query: Where are the CEO's of Toyota U.S.A. and Honda U.S.A. ? You don't see these guys seated at the table asking for a Taxpayer/Congressional Bail-Out.
Thank Congress for GATT and NAFTA, good U.S. jobs are hard to find. The masters of the universe in Washington sent good U.S. jobs offshore with typical lack of foresight and to insure the lavish lifestyles of corporate execs. Congress loves to talk about main-street, but shuns associating directly with main-street. As before, main-street does not want to bail-out the once Big 3 , now Detroit-3, and yet Congress is hell bent for leather, to keep feeding these dead horses. Feed the walking dead and they will cut lose over 100,000 rank-and-file workers; don' t feed G.M and Chrysler and you will lose over 100,000 rank-and-file workers; it's a zero sum for workers no matter what Congress does.
Congress does not have it's house in order, let alone trying to craft a plan for the survival of the terminally ill Detroit-3 automakers. The Detroit-3 proposals are 48 years to late; this is 2008-9, not 1960. In 1960, when it was apparent that foreign auto makers were making impressive inroads in U.S. markets, had the then still Big-3, joined the reality train and re-structured at that time, they would not have become the walking dead Detroit-3 of today.
Congress should let the chips fall where they may; stay out of the fray. The U.S. public. main-street U.S.A. have become accustomed to taking it in the shorts from big corporations and Congress; we will adapt and survive, no thanks to Congress.
Tired of the same old one point of view media coverage of world, national, political and economic events. Check out my POINT-COUNTER POINT blog !
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Main-street U.S.A. has long been aware that there were big troubles brewing in the economy. The how's and why's were not apparent, but rising prices, zero or minus wage gains and cut-backs in hours were signs main-street recognized as being "not good". Mediocrity was pervasive at the executive levels of corporate America, coupled with the mediocrity of Congress. The most prized positions in corporate America, those with title, disproportionate incomes, perks and outrageous bonuses, not for performance, but because of connections, had much to do about the collapse of the U.S. economy. Congress aided and abetted the collapse by its arcane rules promoting those with longevity to committee chairs regardless of competence in the subject area of the committee. The reluctance of Congress to pass a term limit amendment was and is the breeding ground where the brightest 10% of members are virtually drowned by the 90% who are incompetent. The same holds true for the captains of corporate America. Add to the mix a team captain who was not playing with a full deck, George Bush, and it's know wonder the true colors of those raping the system were not sooner exposed.
Adding insult to injury, main-street U.S.A. is still paying the price for this combined corporate and government incompetence. Businesses continue to close, unemployment accelerates, and all the while Treasury Secretary Paulson continues to loot the U.S. Treasury so corporate executive rapists can continue their glutinous ways. Those in the U.S. possessed with a modicum common sense have to be asking: why throw good money after bad ? why pay and essentially reward bad behavior and poor performance ?. That is what is being done by giving billions of taxpayer dollars to the corporations and executive management teams that got us in this mess in the first place.
Chapter 7, not Chapter 11, is where AIG, the financial firms, and others in the bail-out line should be. Why prolong and aggravate the pain for main-street by first looting the U.S. Taxpayer/Treasury ? A very few, very rich, are the only beneficiaries of Congresses myopia. The election of Obama was main-streets signal to Congress that the public wants a NEW GAME, not simply another quarterback. Corporate America, Wall-Street and Congress have to quit their addiction to "trickle-down Reaganomics ". Yet, there is no sign that Congress is willing to take the "throw cash" needle out of their arms and consider unique solutions to the problems they have had a heavy hand in creating, e.g., Public Law 106-554 Sec.1(a)(5), the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
Congress can't seem to grasp a very simple concept: jobs, good jobs are the foundation of a sound economy. Who should be funded, bailed-out, at taxpayer expense; it's a no brainer - the middle-class, main-street taxpaying U.S. citizen. HOW, by extending fed rate ( the rate banks pay the Fed to borrow money ) funds to the major Unions and employee groups, like the UAW, for the purpose of purchasing the plants, equipment and other assets of bankrupt corporations, the likes of G.M., Chrysler and/or Ford. Employee owned corporations are not that novel of an idea. The loss of jobs, only temporary, and can be adequately covered by extending unemployment benefits. The U.S. taxpayer is paying, and should be getting some direct benefits. Congress, and it appears, soon to be President Obama, may be sticking their heads in the sand, by continuing to beat the existing bail-out/stimulus horse to death. Main-street deserves more from the "Master's of the Universe".
If the sinking ship has any chance of being saved, it will be by taking a completely different approach: Congress promoting and funding Union and Employee owned corporations formed to purchase the assets of Chapter 7, corporations; and cutting off all bail-out funding to the likes of AIG and others lining up for Treasury Bail-Out funds. Corporations that require taxpayer bail-out funding to exist should be allowed to fail, that is why there is Chapter 7, of the U.S. Bankruptcy laws.
Adding insult to injury, main-street U.S.A. is still paying the price for this combined corporate and government incompetence. Businesses continue to close, unemployment accelerates, and all the while Treasury Secretary Paulson continues to loot the U.S. Treasury so corporate executive rapists can continue their glutinous ways. Those in the U.S. possessed with a modicum common sense have to be asking: why throw good money after bad ? why pay and essentially reward bad behavior and poor performance ?. That is what is being done by giving billions of taxpayer dollars to the corporations and executive management teams that got us in this mess in the first place.
Chapter 7, not Chapter 11, is where AIG, the financial firms, and others in the bail-out line should be. Why prolong and aggravate the pain for main-street by first looting the U.S. Taxpayer/Treasury ? A very few, very rich, are the only beneficiaries of Congresses myopia. The election of Obama was main-streets signal to Congress that the public wants a NEW GAME, not simply another quarterback. Corporate America, Wall-Street and Congress have to quit their addiction to "trickle-down Reaganomics ". Yet, there is no sign that Congress is willing to take the "throw cash" needle out of their arms and consider unique solutions to the problems they have had a heavy hand in creating, e.g., Public Law 106-554 Sec.1(a)(5), the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
Congress can't seem to grasp a very simple concept: jobs, good jobs are the foundation of a sound economy. Who should be funded, bailed-out, at taxpayer expense; it's a no brainer - the middle-class, main-street taxpaying U.S. citizen. HOW, by extending fed rate ( the rate banks pay the Fed to borrow money ) funds to the major Unions and employee groups, like the UAW, for the purpose of purchasing the plants, equipment and other assets of bankrupt corporations, the likes of G.M., Chrysler and/or Ford. Employee owned corporations are not that novel of an idea. The loss of jobs, only temporary, and can be adequately covered by extending unemployment benefits. The U.S. taxpayer is paying, and should be getting some direct benefits. Congress, and it appears, soon to be President Obama, may be sticking their heads in the sand, by continuing to beat the existing bail-out/stimulus horse to death. Main-street deserves more from the "Master's of the Universe".
If the sinking ship has any chance of being saved, it will be by taking a completely different approach: Congress promoting and funding Union and Employee owned corporations formed to purchase the assets of Chapter 7, corporations; and cutting off all bail-out funding to the likes of AIG and others lining up for Treasury Bail-Out funds. Corporations that require taxpayer bail-out funding to exist should be allowed to fail, that is why there is Chapter 7, of the U.S. Bankruptcy laws.
Monday, October 20, 2008
U.S.A. - a Ntion in Peril
The political and economic hurdles facing the U.S. are intertwined. The U.S. is a "class" society as indicated by the recent "financial" crisis created in and by the U.S. ultra rich "Wall-Street" class. The U.S. Congress passed "bail-out" legislation over the objection of the majority of main-street citizens, benefiting "Wall-Street" to the tune of over $700 billion U.S. dollars, slapping democracy in the face and merely paying lip-service to the struggling and diminishing U.S. middle-class. "Wall-Street" greed has infected world economies, resulting in a world economic crisis calculated to diminish the U.S. middle-class, and emerging middle-classes world wide .
In the U.S. the class struggle will take center stage during the upcoming U.S. Presidential election; stripped of rhetoric U.S. Republicans represent "Wall-Street" and the Democratic party represents middle-class "main-street". An anomaly in the U.S. Constitution [ adopted in 1789 ] precludes the President of the U.S. being selected by popular vote of the people. This anomaly coupled with a corrupted U.S. judicial system skews the election of the U.S. President in favor of "Wall-Street" Republicans, by eliminating over 49.9% of the popular vote and highlighting the fact that the U.S. was not created or structured as a "democracy". Regardless of who becomes the U.S. President, 2009-2012, the electoral anomaly will continue to cripple the U.S. in asserting the principles of democracy at home and abroad.
In the U.S. the class struggle will take center stage during the upcoming U.S. Presidential election; stripped of rhetoric U.S. Republicans represent "Wall-Street" and the Democratic party represents middle-class "main-street". An anomaly in the U.S. Constitution [ adopted in 1789 ] precludes the President of the U.S. being selected by popular vote of the people. This anomaly coupled with a corrupted U.S. judicial system skews the election of the U.S. President in favor of "Wall-Street" Republicans, by eliminating over 49.9% of the popular vote and highlighting the fact that the U.S. was not created or structured as a "democracy". Regardless of who becomes the U.S. President, 2009-2012, the electoral anomaly will continue to cripple the U.S. in asserting the principles of democracy at home and abroad.
Friday, October 3, 2008
People v. Congress - Democracy is Dead
The decision is in, the people did not want the Wall-Street Bail-out, they voiced their opinions; Congress did not listen. Democracy, even the semblance of democracy is dead. Wall-Street, and the 400 ultra Rich Americans have prevailed, the U.S. Treasury has been looted, and the U.S. is fast on the way to a two class system : 99.95% poor .05% rich. King and Princes then serfs; no middle-class. 6 months from now, the printing presses will crank-up, the value of the dollar will drop, inflation will sky-rocket, and the only people in the U.S. with smiles on there faces will be those with their 8th mansion in the Hamptons.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
RE: Bail-Out/ Congressional Disconnect from Main-Street
Dear Senators and Congressmen:
It appears that the focus of Congressional attention has been on Wall-Street and the financial woes created by Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson ( in his prior capacity as CEO of Goldman Sachs ) and Wall-Street associates, regarding liquidity within the financial community. Congress has disconnected from the happenings and realities of Main-Street. You are making a serious mistake delegating your Constitutional authority under Article I , Section 8, sub-sections 1-6, to the Secretary of Treasury, and marginalizing Congress in the process.
Before you jump to shore-up Wall-Street to the tune of $700billion to well over a Trillion taxpayer dollars, you might wish to take a look of what is happening on main-street. THERE IS A RUN ON THE BANKING SYSTEM HAPPENING AS I SPEAK. THIS WILL ONLY ACCELERATE WITHIN THE NEXT SIX ( 6 ) MONTHS, exceeding the capacity of the F.D.I.C. to cover insured accounts, and requiring Congress to provide additional $$$billions so that main-street, will not be left out-in-the-street, regarding their personal accounts.
In addition, there will be mounting strains on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation( PBGC ) as plants shut-down, corporations file for bankruptcy and premiums paid to PBGC dry up. Although not yet a direct obligation of the U.S. Government/ Treasury, when 400,000 + ex-employees now potentially covered, are told that there are not sufficient funds available to pay the fund guaranty of $4,312.50 per month ( $51,750.00 per year ) there will be major social unrest, and Congress will need to come-up with additional $$$billions. The public will not tolerate, being left-out and left-behind when you bail-out the Wall-Street millionaires, who, the minute they get Treasury Bail-Out $$$billions, will have that money transferred off-shore in an instant. Congress needs to take a break, go back home, go out on the street and open your eyes to see what is really going on in the main-street financial world; people are lining up at banks and withdrawing their money. You underestimate the public’s understanding of the circumstance. The average citizen has lost confidence in the system, and does not trust Congress.
Bailing-Out Wall-Street will not have the affect you are predicting. When bail-out money is transferred off-shore, it will provide no liquidity to the domestic U.S. economy. If you think there is a credit crunch now, wait until you bail-out Wall-Street, you will see U.S. unemployment climb past 15% as foreign banks and investors recover their losses from U.S. Treasury Bail-Out funds, and major U.S. financial institutions and investors transfer Bail-Out funds offshore, leaving Main-Street U.S.A. out-in-the-cold.
The draft 106 page bill, is 106 pages of loopholes, so that no person can be held accountable for the greatest looting of a public treasury in world history. There is a vast difference and a distinction between Regulation and oversight; Treasury, the SEC, HUD have always had oversight/look the other way, what has been lacking is Regulation. This proposed draft is an insult to Main-Street.
Congresses haste and myopia in failing to look down the road is likely to cause the collapse of the entire system. It would be prudent for Congress to with hold-off looting the Treasury for the benefit of a few on Wall-Street, until you have a firm handle on F.D.I.C. and PBGC obligations coming within the next 6 months.
Dear Senators and Congressmen:
It appears that the focus of Congressional attention has been on Wall-Street and the financial woes created by Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson ( in his prior capacity as CEO of Goldman Sachs ) and Wall-Street associates, regarding liquidity within the financial community. Congress has disconnected from the happenings and realities of Main-Street. You are making a serious mistake delegating your Constitutional authority under Article I , Section 8, sub-sections 1-6, to the Secretary of Treasury, and marginalizing Congress in the process.
Before you jump to shore-up Wall-Street to the tune of $700billion to well over a Trillion taxpayer dollars, you might wish to take a look of what is happening on main-street. THERE IS A RUN ON THE BANKING SYSTEM HAPPENING AS I SPEAK. THIS WILL ONLY ACCELERATE WITHIN THE NEXT SIX ( 6 ) MONTHS, exceeding the capacity of the F.D.I.C. to cover insured accounts, and requiring Congress to provide additional $$$billions so that main-street, will not be left out-in-the-street, regarding their personal accounts.
In addition, there will be mounting strains on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation( PBGC ) as plants shut-down, corporations file for bankruptcy and premiums paid to PBGC dry up. Although not yet a direct obligation of the U.S. Government/ Treasury, when 400,000 + ex-employees now potentially covered, are told that there are not sufficient funds available to pay the fund guaranty of $4,312.50 per month ( $51,750.00 per year ) there will be major social unrest, and Congress will need to come-up with additional $$$billions. The public will not tolerate, being left-out and left-behind when you bail-out the Wall-Street millionaires, who, the minute they get Treasury Bail-Out $$$billions, will have that money transferred off-shore in an instant. Congress needs to take a break, go back home, go out on the street and open your eyes to see what is really going on in the main-street financial world; people are lining up at banks and withdrawing their money. You underestimate the public’s understanding of the circumstance. The average citizen has lost confidence in the system, and does not trust Congress.
Bailing-Out Wall-Street will not have the affect you are predicting. When bail-out money is transferred off-shore, it will provide no liquidity to the domestic U.S. economy. If you think there is a credit crunch now, wait until you bail-out Wall-Street, you will see U.S. unemployment climb past 15% as foreign banks and investors recover their losses from U.S. Treasury Bail-Out funds, and major U.S. financial institutions and investors transfer Bail-Out funds offshore, leaving Main-Street U.S.A. out-in-the-cold.
The draft 106 page bill, is 106 pages of loopholes, so that no person can be held accountable for the greatest looting of a public treasury in world history. There is a vast difference and a distinction between Regulation and oversight; Treasury, the SEC, HUD have always had oversight/look the other way, what has been lacking is Regulation. This proposed draft is an insult to Main-Street.
Congresses haste and myopia in failing to look down the road is likely to cause the collapse of the entire system. It would be prudent for Congress to with hold-off looting the Treasury for the benefit of a few on Wall-Street, until you have a firm handle on F.D.I.C. and PBGC obligations coming within the next 6 months.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bush is finally on the verge of success for his Presidency, the financial genocide of the American middle-class. Bush and his administration have been both tactical and skillful, and have used the well honed tools of fear and panic to enlist media and congressional support for his crusade to eliminate the U.S./American Middle-Class. The trial balloon was the choreographed " WMD " panic that stampeded congress to give Bush authority to invade Iraq. Now just prior to an election that his Republican party might lose, the final Act "..grave financial crisis.." is playing out; the greatest transfer of national wealth in the history of the world is set to unfold. The U.S. Treasury is being looted once and for all for the benefit of the super-rich, well connected, social elite that long for Imperial recognition AND death to the middle-class. WMD's and Iraq, proved the U.S. Congress has no backbone or fight when it comes toconfrontation with Bush and his ultra-wealthy buddies, the Masters of the Universe. Out gunned and out-spent the U.S. Congress is about to foldand transfer it's last vestige of power to the new U.S. Imperial Presidency. The rest of the world must stand aghast as the prospect that their nations, rights, economies, and territories are next on the menu for the creation of the U.S. Imperial Empire.
Bush is finally on the verge of success for his Presidency, the financial genocide of the American middle-class. Bush and his administration have been both tactical and skillful, and have used the well honed tools of fear and panic to enlist media and congressional support for his crusade to eliminate the U.S./American Middle-Class. The trial balloon was the choreographed " WMD " panic that stampeded congress to give Bush authority to invade Iraq. Now just prior to an election that his Republican party might lose, the final Act "..grave financial crisis.." is playing out; the greatest transfer of national wealth in the history of the world is set to unfold. The U.S. Treasury is being looted once and for all for the benefit of the super-rich, well connected, social elite that long for Imperial recognition AND death to the middle-class. WMD's and Iraq, proved the U.S. Congress has no backbone or fight when it comes toconfrontation with Bush and his ultra-wealthy buddies, the Masters of the Universe. Out gunned and out-spent the U.S. Congress is about to foldand transfer it's last vestige of power to the new U.S. Imperial Presidency. The rest of the world must stand aghast as the prospect that their nations, rights, economies, and territories are next on the menu for the creation of the U.S. Imperial Empire.
1.0-PREAMBLE: The Constitution of the United State of America provides that citizens and voters of the United States shall govern and rule by an through duly elected representatives. Article I, Section 8, Subsections 1- 6, and subsection 18, vest Congress with the power and duty to control the money, credit and commerce of the United States, this power was intentionally with-held from the Executive Branch and President of the United States. The Executive Branch and President have exceed their Constitutional authority, resulting in a severe economic crisis confronting the United States with the potential of adversely affecting the citizenry of this nation; Congress therefore, is hereby reasserting it's Constitutional mandates and control over the money, credit and commerce of the United States.
2.0-PURPOSE: Congress and the citizenry of the United States have been presented with an unprecedented financial crisis, affecting the value of the dollar, the stability of domestic and world markets, with potentially adverse impact on the public, health, safety and welfare of the United States and its citizenry. These circumstances require Congress to re-structure institutions operating within the United State and/or affecting the citizenry of the United States; accordingly, any and all laws that are inconsistent with the purpose and/or provisions of the Act, are, by this declaration, hereby expressly revoked and all appointments related to any inconsistent law are hereby terminated.
3.1- Federal Reserve: the Federal Reserve Act, as codified in 12 U.S.C. ch.3, et.seq. is hereby amended, as follows: The Federal Reserve Board shall consist of 4 members, composed of the Chair and Ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, and the Chair and Rankling member of the House Financial Services Committee. The position of Chairman of the Federal Reserve is hereby abolished. Any and all actions of the Federal Reserve shall require a vote of not less then 3 members of the Federal Reserve Board as established hereby.
3.1.1- All participating banks , financial institutions or affiliates in the Federal Reserve system shall keep and maintain 20% of all deposits, on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank in the form of U.S. Treasury bills and/or notes;
a) No participating bank, financial institution or affiliate shall charge more the 12% simple interest for any loan, credit extension or credit swap;
b) The bank rate for participating banks, financial institutions or affiliates shall be within a range of plus or minus 0.5% of the rate charges by the European Central Bank ( ECB );
c) Companies and corporations having manufacturing facilities within the U.S. that directly employ 8,000 or more factory workers who are U.S. citizens in the U.S., including but not limited to: General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, John Deere, Caterpillar , shall be allowed to participate in the Federal Reserve, and borrow from the Federal Reserve, for U.S. domestic factory operations at the same rate, Fed. Rate, available to commercial banks.
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3.2 - Stock & Commodities Markets: It shall be unlawful to trade, barter, sell, pledge or hypothecate stock or stock certificates in or within the United States, or in any company, corporation, entity, or person doing business in or with the United States, that are held for a period of less than 13 months; FURTHER, it shall be unlawful for any company, corporation, entity, or person doing business in or with the United States that is not the end user to trade, barter, sell, assign, or pledge commodities or commodities contracts.
3.2.1- Violations: The RICO ACT, 18 U.S.C. #1951-1968 is amended to include Section 3.2 hereof as a definition of racketeering subjecting any violator, to the penalties provisions of 18 U.S.C. and/or all property and assets, obtained or suspected to be obtained by or related to any violation of section 3.2 of this act shall be fully subject to the Civil Forfeiture Provisions of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1982, Pub.L. 98-473, as amended. Further, the standard of proof shall be based on the preponderance of evidence and court decisions, laws or provisions to the contrary are hereby declared null and void and of no force effect whatsoever.
3.3 - Existing APR and Sub-Prime Mortgages: It shall be unlawful for any bank, company, entity or person, for a period of 2 years from the date of this Act, to charge or collect any interest on such indebtedness that exceeds the original rate charged to the home borrower; further, the maximum interest that may be lawfully charged on such home, provided the original debtor actually uses and occupies the home as his or her sole residence, shall be limited to 6% simple interest, and the overall term of the loan shall be limited to 20 years; the full amount of which home loan shall become due and payable on the sale, transfer, rental, lease, or vacating of the home as the sole residence of the original debtor.
3.3.1 - Federal Usury : It is hereby unlawful for any institution, bank, credit card company or affiliates, person or entity to charge more then 12% simple interest for any loan or extension of credit to any person in the U.S., and/or to impose fees that exceed the 12% limitation. Violations of this sub-section are defined as "racketeering"subjecting any violator to the penalties and provisions set-forth herein at sub-section 3.2.1.
4.1- Security Required: No loan, money or credit of the United States shall be extended to any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person except on the basis of a dollar-for-dollar security for the same in the form tangible personal or real property located within the United States having a real mark to market value, minus 15%, equal to the base amount of the loan, money or credits extended by the U.S. Treasury. The cost of any such loan, money or extension of credit of the United States, shall include the cost of administration of the Federal Loan Compliance Trust (FLCT), which shall herein be established as an arm of Congress for the purposes of this Act.
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The FLCT shall be chaired by the House and Senate Majority and Minority leaders ,who based on a majority vote, shall have the power and authority the hire and retain competent independent counsel to administer the FLCT, to make rules and regulations necessary to insure that the United States is fully and promptly repaid, including but not limited to the seizure of assets and security for any loan, money or credit extended, by the United States; and to prosecute violations or infractions of this Act or any terms or provisions of any loan or extension of credit hereunder.
4.1.1 - Other Terms of Loan, Money or Extension of Credit: The maximum period of any loan, money or extension of credit of the United States shall be limited to an cumulative total of no more then 5 calendar years. Any and all banks, financial institutions, companies, entities or persons qualifying for and extended any loan , money or credit of the United States, shall file tax annual tax returns and render accounting on calendar year ( January 1 to December 31 ) basis. Accrual accounting or reporting shall be unlawful and is hereby defined as " racketeering " subject to the provisions and penalties and civil forfeiture as provided by 18 U.S.C. et. seq.; Further, any and all loans, money or extension of credits of the United States extended to any qualified bank, financial institutions company, entity or person, shall bear interest at
6% per annum, and such interest shall be paid to the U.S. Treasury on a monthly basis during the period of the loan. Any default on the monthly payment of interest to the US. Treasury, or default on the repayment of the principle shall result in the automatic forfeiture, by confession of judgment, off all security for the loan or extension of credit.
a) During the period of any loan or extension of credit of the U.S., Board Members of any borrower shall serve without pay, compensation or per diem, and the highest executive salary paid shall not exceed the U.S. Government Service, GS 15 amount. Violation of this sub-section is hereby declared and defined as " racketeering " subject to the provisions and penalties and civil forfeiture as provided by 18 U.S.C. et. seq.;
4.1.2 - Qualified Security: Qualified security for any loan, money or credit of the United States extended to any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person, shall be all tangible, physical assets, personal and/or real property located or situated in the United States in which any CEO, CFO, President, Executive Vice President, and all Board of Directors members serving any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person seeking a loan, money or credit from the United States, between the years 2002-2008, has any interest in; and, the stock, warrants, options, bonds, real and personal property of said banks, financial institutions, companies, entities or persons. When socks and/or warrants are pledged and encumbered as a qualified security, the FLTC shall prepare and hold properly executed subordinated convertible debentures for voting and ownership rights to and in said stock, warrants, options or bonds.
5.0 -Secretary of Treasury - limited authority: Congress retains full authority over all matters involving loans, money, debt and/or credit of the or the extensions thereof, of the United States. The Executive Branch, President and Secretary of Treasury may facilitate in the surrender and pledge of qualified security, as provided and defined in and by this ACT; and, from time to time the Secretary of Treasury may render advice on matters related to this act and the stability of the U.S. economy, as requested by Congress and/or the FLTC.
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5.1 - F.D.I.C. $250,000.00 per account: Existing laws providing qualified banks and institutions with F.D.I.C. insurance coverage are hereby amended, and coverage is increased to $250,000.00 per individual, per account, per bank or institution, and increased to $500,000.00 on retirement and/or IRA accounts. The Secretary of Treasury is hereby directed to extend all funds to the F.D.I.C. that may become necessary to cover individual accounts as herein provided; and, further, the Secretary of Treasury and the F.D.I.C. are hereby directed to modify, amend or enact rules and regulations necessary to implement account coverage increases consistent with this Act.
6.0 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST : It is hereby enacted and declared unlawful for any individual and/or person who is an official of or employed by the U.S. Government and/or any agency or sub-division thereof to have any financial or other interest, of any kind and or nature whatsoever, in any company, corporation, financial institution, or entity that is granted a loan and/or extension of credit from the U.S. Treasury.
6.1 - Violations: Violations of this section 6.0, of this Act are defined as "racketeering" subjecting any violator to the penalties and provisions set-forth herein at sub-section 3.2.1. of this Act.
7.0 - ENFORCEMENT/CONCURRENT JURISDICTION: All State Courts of General Jurisdiction as well as U.S. District Courts, shall have concurrent jurisdiction relating to the enforcement of any provision of this Act; any violation or alleged violation of this act shall be prosecuted within the United States. The authority of Federal District and Appellate Courts to review the validity of this Act, is hereby expressly revoked pursuant to the Powers of Congress, provided by Article 1, Section 8, sub-section 9, of the U.S. Constitution.
8.0 - SAVINGS CLAUSE: The provisions of this Act are separate and severable; should any part or provision of this Act be adjudicated unconstitutional by a full 9 judge panel of the U.S. Supreme Court, the rest and remainder shall remain in full force and effect.
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1.0-PREAMBLE: The Constitution of the United State of America provides that citizens and voters of the United States shall govern and rule by an through duly elected representatives. Article I, Section 8, Subsections 1- 6, and subsection 18, vest Congress with the power and duty to control the money, credit and commerce of the United States, this power was intentionally with-held from the Executive Branch and President of the United States. The Executive Branch and President have exceed their Constitutional authority, resulting in a severe economic crisis confronting the United States with the potential of adversely affecting the citizenry of this nation; Congress therefore, is hereby reasserting it's Constitutional mandates and control over the money, credit and commerce of the United States.
2.0-PURPOSE: Congress and the citizenry of the United States have been presented with an unprecedented financial crisis, affecting the value of the dollar, the stability of domestic and world markets, with potentially adverse impact on the public, health, safety and welfare of the United States and its citizenry. These circumstances require Congress to re-structure institutions operating within the United State and/or affecting the citizenry of the United States; accordingly, any and all laws that are inconsistent with the purpose and/or provisions of the Act, are, by this declaration, hereby expressly revoked and all appointments related to any inconsistent law are hereby terminated.
3.1- Federal Reserve: the Federal Reserve Act, as codified in 12 U.S.C. ch.3, et.seq. is hereby amended, as follows: The Federal Reserve Board shall consist of 4 members, composed of the Chair and Ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, and the Chair and Rankling member of the House Financial Services Committee. The position of Chairman of the Federal Reserve is hereby abolished. Any and all actions of the Federal Reserve shall require a vote of not less then 3 members of the Federal Reserve Board as established hereby.
3.1.1- All participating banks , financial institutions or affiliates in the Federal Reserve system shall keep and maintain 20% of all deposits, on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank in the form of U.S. Treasury bills and/or notes;
a) No participating bank, financial institution or affiliate shall charge more the 12% simple interest for any loan, credit extension or credit swap;
b) The bank rate for participating banks, financial institutions or affiliates shall be within a range of plus or minus 0.5% of the rate charges by the European Central Bank ( ECB );
c) Companies and corporations having manufacturing facilities within the U.S. that directly employ 8,000 or more factory workers who are U.S. citizens in the U.S., including but not limited to: General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, John Deere, Caterpillar , shall be allowed to participate in the Federal Reserve, and borrow from the Federal Reserve, for U.S. domestic factory operations at the same rate, Fed. Rate, available to commercial banks.
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3.2 - Stock & Commodities Markets: It shall be unlawful to trade, barter, sell, pledge or hypothecate stock or stock certificates in or within the United States, or in any company, corporation, entity, or person doing business in or with the United States, that are held for a period of less than 13 months; FURTHER, it shall be unlawful for any company, corporation, entity, or person doing business in or with the United States that is not the end user to trade, barter, sell, assign, or pledge commodities or commodities contracts.
3.2.1- Violations: The RICO ACT, 18 U.S.C. #1951-1968 is amended to include Section 3.2 hereof as a definition of racketeering subjecting any violator, to the penalties provisions of 18 U.S.C. and/or all property and assets, obtained or suspected to be obtained by or related to any violation of section 3.2 of this act shall be fully subject to the Civil Forfeiture Provisions of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1982, Pub.L. 98-473, as amended. Further, the standard of proof shall be based on the preponderance of evidence and court decisions, laws or provisions to the contrary are hereby declared null and void and of no force effect whatsoever.
3.3 - Existing APR and Sub-Prime Mortgages: It shall be unlawful for any bank, company, entity or person, for a period of 2 years from the date of this Act, to charge or collect any interest on such indebtedness that exceeds the original rate charged to the home borrower; further, the maximum interest that may be lawfully charged on such home, provided the original debtor actually uses and occupies the home as his or her sole residence, shall be limited to 6% simple interest, and the overall term of the loan shall be limited to 20 years; the full amount of which home loan shall become due and payable on the sale, transfer, rental, lease, or vacating of the home as the sole residence of the original debtor.
3.3.1 - Federal Usury : It is hereby unlawful for any institution, bank, credit card company or affiliates, person or entity to charge more then 12% simple interest for any loan or extension of credit to any person in the U.S., and/or to impose fees that exceed the 12% limitation. Violations of this sub-section are defined as "racketeering"subjecting any violator to the penalties and provisions set-forth herein at sub-section 3.2.1.
4.1- Security Required: No loan, money or credit of the United States shall be extended to any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person except on the basis of a dollar-for-dollar security for the same in the form tangible personal or real property located within the United States having a real mark to market value, minus 15%, equal to the base amount of the loan, money or credits extended by the U.S. Treasury. The cost of any such loan, money or extension of credit of the United States, shall include the cost of administration of the Federal Loan Compliance Trust (FLCT), which shall herein be established as an arm of Congress for the purposes of this Act.
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The FLCT shall be chaired by the House and Senate Majority and Minority leaders ,who based on a majority vote, shall have the power and authority the hire and retain competent independent counsel to administer the FLCT, to make rules and regulations necessary to insure that the United States is fully and promptly repaid, including but not limited to the seizure of assets and security for any loan, money or credit extended, by the United States; and to prosecute violations or infractions of this Act or any terms or provisions of any loan or extension of credit hereunder.
4.1.1 - Other Terms of Loan, Money or Extension of Credit: The maximum period of any loan, money or extension of credit of the United States shall be limited to an cumulative total of no more then 5 calendar years. Any and all banks, financial institutions, companies, entities or persons qualifying for and extended any loan , money or credit of the United States, shall file tax annual tax returns and render accounting on calendar year ( January 1 to December 31 ) basis. Accrual accounting or reporting shall be unlawful and is hereby defined as " racketeering " subject to the provisions and penalties and civil forfeiture as provided by 18 U.S.C. et. seq.; Further, any and all loans, money or extension of credits of the United States extended to any qualified bank, financial institutions company, entity or person, shall bear interest at
6% per annum, and such interest shall be paid to the U.S. Treasury on a monthly basis during the period of the loan. Any default on the monthly payment of interest to the US. Treasury, or default on the repayment of the principle shall result in the automatic forfeiture, by confession of judgment, off all security for the loan or extension of credit.
a) During the period of any loan or extension of credit of the U.S., Board Members of any borrower shall serve without pay, compensation or per diem, and the highest executive salary paid shall not exceed the U.S. Government Service, GS 15 amount. Violation of this sub-section is hereby declared and defined as " racketeering " subject to the provisions and penalties and civil forfeiture as provided by 18 U.S.C. et. seq.;
4.1.2 - Qualified Security: Qualified security for any loan, money or credit of the United States extended to any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person, shall be all tangible, physical assets, personal and/or real property located or situated in the United States in which any CEO, CFO, President, Executive Vice President, and all Board of Directors members serving any bank, financial institution, company, entity or person seeking a loan, money or credit from the United States, between the years 2002-2008, has any interest in; and, the stock, warrants, options, bonds, real and personal property of said banks, financial institutions, companies, entities or persons. When socks and/or warrants are pledged and encumbered as a qualified security, the FLTC shall prepare and hold properly executed subordinated convertible debentures for voting and ownership rights to and in said stock, warrants, options or bonds.
5.0 -Secretary of Treasury - limited authority: Congress retains full authority over all matters involving loans, money, debt and/or credit of the or the extensions thereof, of the United States. The Executive Branch, President and Secretary of Treasury may facilitate in the surrender and pledge of qualified security, as provided and defined in and by this ACT; and, from time to time the Secretary of Treasury may render advice on matters related to this act and the stability of the U.S. economy, as requested by Congress and/or the FLTC.
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5.1 - F.D.I.C. $250,000.00 per account: Existing laws providing qualified banks and institutions with F.D.I.C. insurance coverage are hereby amended, and coverage is increased to $250,000.00 per individual, per account, per bank or institution, and increased to $500,000.00 on retirement and/or IRA accounts. The Secretary of Treasury is hereby directed to extend all funds to the F.D.I.C. that may become necessary to cover individual accounts as herein provided; and, further, the Secretary of Treasury and the F.D.I.C. are hereby directed to modify, amend or enact rules and regulations necessary to implement account coverage increases consistent with this Act.
6.0 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST : It is hereby enacted and declared unlawful for any individual and/or person who is an official of or employed by the U.S. Government and/or any agency or sub-division thereof to have any financial or other interest, of any kind and or nature whatsoever, in any company, corporation, financial institution, or entity that is granted a loan and/or extension of credit from the U.S. Treasury.
6.1 - Violations: Violations of this section 6.0, of this Act are defined as "racketeering" subjecting any violator to the penalties and provisions set-forth herein at sub-section 3.2.1. of this Act.
7.0 - ENFORCEMENT/CONCURRENT JURISDICTION: All State Courts of General Jurisdiction as well as U.S. District Courts, shall have concurrent jurisdiction relating to the enforcement of any provision of this Act; any violation or alleged violation of this act shall be prosecuted within the United States. The authority of Federal District and Appellate Courts to review the validity of this Act, is hereby expressly revoked pursuant to the Powers of Congress, provided by Article 1, Section 8, sub-section 9, of the U.S. Constitution.
8.0 - SAVINGS CLAUSE: The provisions of this Act are separate and severable; should any part or provision of this Act be adjudicated unconstitutional by a full 9 judge panel of the U.S. Supreme Court, the rest and remainder shall remain in full force and effect.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Times were much different in 1789 when the Constitution of the United States
was ratified. A fledgling new nation born of independent thought, created a system of government relevant to that time. One where 95% of the power was held by Congress, as representative of the citizenry of the then newly created 13 States. Now 300 plus years later the wheels are falling off the 1789 Constitution, a Constitution not designed to address the issues, problems and speed of the 21st Century world.
Instead of directly addressing the need for a new Constitution crafted to reflect modernity and the governance of a nation of 50 States and over 300 million people, Congress has allowed circumstance to dictate changes in the structure of governance of the United States. The transition has been slow, subtle, unguided, and painful to the populace. The abdication of Congress began with the delegation of it's authority, and, as more and more authority was delegated to Executive agencies, Congresses relevance has accordingly depreciated.
Two threshold events within the past 8 years have signaled the death of Congress as provided in the Constitution of 1789. First was the delegation of authority to declare War ( 1789 Constitution, Article I, Sec. 7(11) ) to President Bush, based on the claim of President Bush of the existence of WMD's in Iraq, and, within the past 24 or so hours the "Grave Financial " threat and "crisis" on Wall-Street presented by the Bush Administration, and the hurry-up huddle of Congress to delegate Article I, Sec.7 (2)(5)authority to the Secretary of the Treasury. Congresses own action over time have rendered it irrelevant tot he function of the U.S. government.
In 1995 a rational approach to this transition in the structure of the U.S. government was sent to every member of the U.S. Congress as well as the then President Clinton: "New Atlantis-The Re-Engineering of America" an outline of a modern Constitution, where the Executive Branch ( President) proposed laws, subject to the modification or veto by Congress. In substance, what is happening today as Congress is contemplating and likely to sign off on the Bush Administration plan to bail-out Wall-Street, Foreign Banks and investors, at U.S. taxpayer expense. New Atlantis outlined a structured process for Congressional approval, as opposed to the free-fall and free-form rush to judgment that is currently taking place where Congress is presented with a "crisis" by the Bush Administration demanding immediate action, e.g., WMDs'/Iraq and now the financial "crisis" and bail-out mania.
was ratified. A fledgling new nation born of independent thought, created a system of government relevant to that time. One where 95% of the power was held by Congress, as representative of the citizenry of the then newly created 13 States. Now 300 plus years later the wheels are falling off the 1789 Constitution, a Constitution not designed to address the issues, problems and speed of the 21st Century world.
Instead of directly addressing the need for a new Constitution crafted to reflect modernity and the governance of a nation of 50 States and over 300 million people, Congress has allowed circumstance to dictate changes in the structure of governance of the United States. The transition has been slow, subtle, unguided, and painful to the populace. The abdication of Congress began with the delegation of it's authority, and, as more and more authority was delegated to Executive agencies, Congresses relevance has accordingly depreciated.
Two threshold events within the past 8 years have signaled the death of Congress as provided in the Constitution of 1789. First was the delegation of authority to declare War ( 1789 Constitution, Article I, Sec. 7(11) ) to President Bush, based on the claim of President Bush of the existence of WMD's in Iraq, and, within the past 24 or so hours the "Grave Financial " threat and "crisis" on Wall-Street presented by the Bush Administration, and the hurry-up huddle of Congress to delegate Article I, Sec.7 (2)(5)authority to the Secretary of the Treasury. Congresses own action over time have rendered it irrelevant tot he function of the U.S. government.
In 1995 a rational approach to this transition in the structure of the U.S. government was sent to every member of the U.S. Congress as well as the then President Clinton: "New Atlantis-The Re-Engineering of America" an outline of a modern Constitution, where the Executive Branch ( President) proposed laws, subject to the modification or veto by Congress. In substance, what is happening today as Congress is contemplating and likely to sign off on the Bush Administration plan to bail-out Wall-Street, Foreign Banks and investors, at U.S. taxpayer expense. New Atlantis outlined a structured process for Congressional approval, as opposed to the free-fall and free-form rush to judgment that is currently taking place where Congress is presented with a "crisis" by the Bush Administration demanding immediate action, e.g., WMDs'/Iraq and now the financial "crisis" and bail-out mania.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Let's take a look at Republicans and the Republican Administration : lower taxes, small government, no regulation, private companies, capitalism, let market forces determine who survives.
Reality: largest expansion of Government in history - Bush created Dept. of Homeland Security, in your face, listening to your phone and e-mails, no restraints on invasion of privacy; largest debt in history - trillions of dollars; privatization of utilities = higher prices and poor service to average household; lower taxes - only if your income is based on capital gains from stock options and you make over $225,000.; capitalism, let the market determine what business survives - except in cases where billionaire Republican CEO's are concerned, then the Republicans take $85 billion of taxpayer dollars so their Republican buddy CEO's and Board members can buy 200 foot yachts and add an 8th mansion to their lists of houses. IN SHORT REPUBLICANS ARE FRAUDS, THEY HAVE DEFRAUDED THE TAXPAYERS, AND JOHN MCCAIN IS A CARD CARRYING MEMBER OF THIS CRIME SYNDICATE. McCain got a pass on the Keating Five, 1980's Savings and Loan scandal/ cost taxpayers $124billion; one of his sons was on the Board of the recently failed Silver State Bank, who knows what connections McCain and family had with another recent Arizona Bank failure - 1st National Bank of Arizona, and how about his wife's, Cindy's, business and family interests, any AIG connections ?
Every average citizen with an once of savvy should small the rats, liars and hypocrites that make up this bunch of Republican thieves. Vote for McCain and one might as will empty their pockets out so John and friends can buy new jets, mansions and yachts. Palin, as Gods representative, is along for the gravy train. Health Care for the nation - to expensive, socialism, would cost $30-40 billion; $85 billion for your billionaire buddies -capitalism's finest hour; that's the Republican way.
Reality: largest expansion of Government in history - Bush created Dept. of Homeland Security, in your face, listening to your phone and e-mails, no restraints on invasion of privacy; largest debt in history - trillions of dollars; privatization of utilities = higher prices and poor service to average household; lower taxes - only if your income is based on capital gains from stock options and you make over $225,000.; capitalism, let the market determine what business survives - except in cases where billionaire Republican CEO's are concerned, then the Republicans take $85 billion of taxpayer dollars so their Republican buddy CEO's and Board members can buy 200 foot yachts and add an 8th mansion to their lists of houses. IN SHORT REPUBLICANS ARE FRAUDS, THEY HAVE DEFRAUDED THE TAXPAYERS, AND JOHN MCCAIN IS A CARD CARRYING MEMBER OF THIS CRIME SYNDICATE. McCain got a pass on the Keating Five, 1980's Savings and Loan scandal/ cost taxpayers $124billion; one of his sons was on the Board of the recently failed Silver State Bank, who knows what connections McCain and family had with another recent Arizona Bank failure - 1st National Bank of Arizona, and how about his wife's, Cindy's, business and family interests, any AIG connections ?
Every average citizen with an once of savvy should small the rats, liars and hypocrites that make up this bunch of Republican thieves. Vote for McCain and one might as will empty their pockets out so John and friends can buy new jets, mansions and yachts. Palin, as Gods representative, is along for the gravy train. Health Care for the nation - to expensive, socialism, would cost $30-40 billion; $85 billion for your billionaire buddies -capitalism's finest hour; that's the Republican way.
AIG Bail-Out - OUTRAGEOUS FRAUD !!! The system is in melt-down and this action will only benefit wealthy investors - a colossal depression is around the corner and 99.9% of the population will suffer so the very, very few can continue to live a life of luxury, jets, yachts and mansions.
What has been overlooked in sales presentations of the $85 billion AIG taxpayer bailout, is the fact that when the U.S. Treasury lends money to private enterprise, it means that the $85 billion is not available for domestic programs like schools, social security, medicare and health care, veterans benefits, etc. So without increasing individual taxes, federal programs directly benefiting citizen taxpayers will have to be cut or curtailed. Further, this private corporation, AIG, may be tied in with Berkshire-Hathaway/Warren Buffett's conglomeration of companies, and will be getting my taxpayer money at a bargain basement rate, when taxpayers have to pay 18% to 24% interest on credit cards and other forms of consumer debt. THERE IS NO FAIRNESS IN THIS BACK-ROOM DEAL.
AIG should have to pay retail interest on this bridge loan, essentially a subordinated convertible debenture, at a minimum of 12%, and the interest rate to credit card holders and other forms of consumer credit, by Federal law, should be capped at 12%. Further, hurricane IKE and other U.S. disaster victims, should be lent money at the Fed bank rate. As it stands, the AIG bail-out, is a transfer of wealth from the public/middle-class to the wealthiest 1/25th of 1% of the U.S. population; bottom line, the U.S. middle-class has been mugged, beaten and robbed and the U.S. Treasury has been looted ! It's the Republican way.
What has been overlooked in sales presentations of the $85 billion AIG taxpayer bailout, is the fact that when the U.S. Treasury lends money to private enterprise, it means that the $85 billion is not available for domestic programs like schools, social security, medicare and health care, veterans benefits, etc. So without increasing individual taxes, federal programs directly benefiting citizen taxpayers will have to be cut or curtailed. Further, this private corporation, AIG, may be tied in with Berkshire-Hathaway/Warren Buffett's conglomeration of companies, and will be getting my taxpayer money at a bargain basement rate, when taxpayers have to pay 18% to 24% interest on credit cards and other forms of consumer debt. THERE IS NO FAIRNESS IN THIS BACK-ROOM DEAL.
AIG should have to pay retail interest on this bridge loan, essentially a subordinated convertible debenture, at a minimum of 12%, and the interest rate to credit card holders and other forms of consumer credit, by Federal law, should be capped at 12%. Further, hurricane IKE and other U.S. disaster victims, should be lent money at the Fed bank rate. As it stands, the AIG bail-out, is a transfer of wealth from the public/middle-class to the wealthiest 1/25th of 1% of the U.S. population; bottom line, the U.S. middle-class has been mugged, beaten and robbed and the U.S. Treasury has been looted ! It's the Republican way.
Monday, September 15, 2008
TURMOIL IN U.S. ECONOMY -John M. Keynes is Dead
The " perfect storm " for the U.S. has been brewing during the lacks stewardship of the Bush Administration, and administration stead fast in the belief that J.M. Keynes was alive and well; and the green light given to the U.S corporate and financial communities that anything goes. The pied piper and followers, both in the U.S. and abroad, are beginning to face reality as the house of cards created by the amalgamated U.S. government and financial community begins to unravel. No regulation, War and the largesse of the U.S. toward it's friends and allies abroad echoes the history of fallen Nation states and Empires.
In today's multi-national, cultural and economic world, the current U.S. financial crisis is the foot and not the crest of the wave of failures yet to come. Failures when pealed back, reveal the limitations of the U.S. "brand" of governance and "democracy"; governance that is bought, sold and traded on a regular basis. For the rest of the world, the U.S. distress flare, should signal that the U.S. is broken, broke and sinking.
Two officers vie to Captain the sinking ship; one born of generations past, of privilege and 100's of millions in personal backing; one cut from common cloth. Either will face obstacles not seen before: trillions in national debt, a population increasingly illiterate, lacking skills and employment. A population of entitlement; and corporate, financial and services communities steeped in greed. Yet there is no blueprint for evacuation, plenty of words, but rhetoric is no lifeboat. John Keynes is dead, but his followers are not; this, crippled by a U.S. Congress composed of some 635 individuals competing for power, means the U.S. ship, for all practical purposes, is dead in the water
The history of how the U.S. arrived at this threshold is important as a lesson that the form of government, provides little shield against greed and corruption; what is needed for all, is set-aside for the benefit of a few. What the U.S. needs is a new constitution, one updated to reflect the realities of the 21st century. One that contains applications as well as rights.
In the short run, with focus on the current financial meltdown, swift action and a blueprint is called for; a blueprint that, among other things, spells out:
1) That interest charged in excess of 15% should be uncollectible;
2) That banks, savings and loans, credit unions be restricted in function
to lending and that such institutions be required to keep a minimum
reserve of 20% in U.S. Government treasury securities; and that all belong to the F.D.I.C.. In addition, no bank, savings and loan, or credit union should partner, be affiliated with any entity that engages in the sale or brokerage of stock, bonds, mutual funds or other investments; FURTHER, all banks, savings and loans, credit unions and all F.D.I. C. insured institutions should hold and retain all security related to the loans granted by each institution, and the same cannot be subscribed, sold, transferred or subordinated to any other type of instrument or transaction.
3) That the export of U.S. capital be restricted to the purchase of actual goods, materials, mineral and natural resource products; arbitrage of commodities be prohibited; that the trading on stock, bonds and other instruments be regulated and restricted: all stock and bond sales should be held by the buyer of a period of not less then 13 consecutive months; 15% of the sales price of stock should be rendered to the corporation issuing the stock; Stock and bond transfer fees shall not exceed $50.00 per transaction.
4) Federal Reserve bank rate of funds shall be tied to the EU Central bank rate, and should not very more then .25% from the EU central bank rate.
5) Except for the purchase of one residence in the U.S., no citizen or individual person should be extended credit or incur debt in excess of 30% of his or her average net U.S. reported early earnings ( over 3 year period ); and no person or entity should be permitted to collect any debt or obligation that exceeds the 30% limitation.
6) Every individual person 18 years or older in the U.S. should be required to establish, in a U.S., F.D.I.C. insured bank, savings and loan, and/or credit union, a Personal Retirement Account
( PRA ) and a Personal Health Account (PHA);a minimum of 6% of all earnings should be deposited on a monthly basis in the PRA, and a minimum of 3% of all earnings should be deposited on a monthly basis in a PHA, withdrawals from such accounts should be restricted and limited; amounts and accruals on such accounts should be tax exempt.
The initial restructuring of the U.S. banking and financial community as blueprinted above, will provide stability to U.S. and related financial markets, and will strengthen the U.S. dollar. In addition, it will preserve individual U.S. equities. The survival of the U.S. economy, and challenge for the next U.S. president will be to embrace and effectuate systemic changes to a system long outdated. The question is: which current candidate, John McCain or Barack Obama, is willing to step-to-the-plate and endorse a particulars specific blueprint addressing the financial meltdown the U.S. is experiencing, and plug the hole that is sinking the U.S. ship.
In today's multi-national, cultural and economic world, the current U.S. financial crisis is the foot and not the crest of the wave of failures yet to come. Failures when pealed back, reveal the limitations of the U.S. "brand" of governance and "democracy"; governance that is bought, sold and traded on a regular basis. For the rest of the world, the U.S. distress flare, should signal that the U.S. is broken, broke and sinking.
Two officers vie to Captain the sinking ship; one born of generations past, of privilege and 100's of millions in personal backing; one cut from common cloth. Either will face obstacles not seen before: trillions in national debt, a population increasingly illiterate, lacking skills and employment. A population of entitlement; and corporate, financial and services communities steeped in greed. Yet there is no blueprint for evacuation, plenty of words, but rhetoric is no lifeboat. John Keynes is dead, but his followers are not; this, crippled by a U.S. Congress composed of some 635 individuals competing for power, means the U.S. ship, for all practical purposes, is dead in the water
The history of how the U.S. arrived at this threshold is important as a lesson that the form of government, provides little shield against greed and corruption; what is needed for all, is set-aside for the benefit of a few. What the U.S. needs is a new constitution, one updated to reflect the realities of the 21st century. One that contains applications as well as rights.
In the short run, with focus on the current financial meltdown, swift action and a blueprint is called for; a blueprint that, among other things, spells out:
1) That interest charged in excess of 15% should be uncollectible;
2) That banks, savings and loans, credit unions be restricted in function
to lending and that such institutions be required to keep a minimum
reserve of 20% in U.S. Government treasury securities; and that all belong to the F.D.I.C.. In addition, no bank, savings and loan, or credit union should partner, be affiliated with any entity that engages in the sale or brokerage of stock, bonds, mutual funds or other investments; FURTHER, all banks, savings and loans, credit unions and all F.D.I. C. insured institutions should hold and retain all security related to the loans granted by each institution, and the same cannot be subscribed, sold, transferred or subordinated to any other type of instrument or transaction.
3) That the export of U.S. capital be restricted to the purchase of actual goods, materials, mineral and natural resource products; arbitrage of commodities be prohibited; that the trading on stock, bonds and other instruments be regulated and restricted: all stock and bond sales should be held by the buyer of a period of not less then 13 consecutive months; 15% of the sales price of stock should be rendered to the corporation issuing the stock; Stock and bond transfer fees shall not exceed $50.00 per transaction.
4) Federal Reserve bank rate of funds shall be tied to the EU Central bank rate, and should not very more then .25% from the EU central bank rate.
5) Except for the purchase of one residence in the U.S., no citizen or individual person should be extended credit or incur debt in excess of 30% of his or her average net U.S. reported early earnings ( over 3 year period ); and no person or entity should be permitted to collect any debt or obligation that exceeds the 30% limitation.
6) Every individual person 18 years or older in the U.S. should be required to establish, in a U.S., F.D.I.C. insured bank, savings and loan, and/or credit union, a Personal Retirement Account
( PRA ) and a Personal Health Account (PHA);a minimum of 6% of all earnings should be deposited on a monthly basis in the PRA, and a minimum of 3% of all earnings should be deposited on a monthly basis in a PHA, withdrawals from such accounts should be restricted and limited; amounts and accruals on such accounts should be tax exempt.
The initial restructuring of the U.S. banking and financial community as blueprinted above, will provide stability to U.S. and related financial markets, and will strengthen the U.S. dollar. In addition, it will preserve individual U.S. equities. The survival of the U.S. economy, and challenge for the next U.S. president will be to embrace and effectuate systemic changes to a system long outdated. The question is: which current candidate, John McCain or Barack Obama, is willing to step-to-the-plate and endorse a particulars specific blueprint addressing the financial meltdown the U.S. is experiencing, and plug the hole that is sinking the U.S. ship.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bail-Out of Fannie and Freddie - U.S. in World of Hurt
Another Bail-Out: Financial bail-outs go back a few years, remember the Savings & Loan crisis ?
The brains in Washington, Republican administrations in particular, and those at the Federal Reserve, once again have lead U.S. taxpayers astray and put a few more nails in the U.S. financial coffin. In short, the brains don't get it, they are poor custodians of the public trust; markets in reality are not the elixir that Adam Smith, John Keynes and followers dreamed of. Life has changed, Keynes is dead; the Fed Reserve and Washington brains have failed to understand the basic mechanisms of the modern world. It takes both capital and oil to keep modern economies humming along.
What the bail-out of Fannie & Freddie, by us U.S. taxpayers, means, is that in addition to the U.S. dependence on foreign oil, we, the U.S. have become dependent on foreign capital to keep this country afloat. One of the basic and fundamental underpinnings of an economy is SAVINGS !
Any freshman should remember this from Econ 101. So what do the brains in Washington and at the Federal Reserve do..... they promote the export of manufacturing jobs. NAFTA, GATT all the programs designed to line the pockets of the super rich 1/2 of 1% of the U.S. population with gold, have effectively killed the savings engine of the middle-class; and without domestic savings, a country, the U.S. in the instant case, is dependent on foreign capital for real growth in the economy. The Republican penchant for killing off the middle-class, and the Bush administrations folly of war, have accelerated the U.S. one-way road to dependence on foreign capital and foreign oil. Manufacturing jobs, not retail, service or government jobs, contribute real value, via personal savings, to an economy.
Washington and the Bush Administration are desperate , taxpayer bail-outs are simply additional band-aids masking a fatal wound that has been self-inflicted. The U.S. financial house is made of cards, should any of the major foreign contributors stop propping up the U.S. house of cards, by with holding capital, i.e., not buying U.S. Treasury securities, the house of cards will fall down. Thank you George Bush, your appointed designate John McCain, is poised to put the last nail in the coffin. And the 1/2 of 1% super-wealthy in the U.S. truly thank you for pulling off the greatest scam and transfer of wealth in modern history.
The brains in Washington, Republican administrations in particular, and those at the Federal Reserve, once again have lead U.S. taxpayers astray and put a few more nails in the U.S. financial coffin. In short, the brains don't get it, they are poor custodians of the public trust; markets in reality are not the elixir that Adam Smith, John Keynes and followers dreamed of. Life has changed, Keynes is dead; the Fed Reserve and Washington brains have failed to understand the basic mechanisms of the modern world. It takes both capital and oil to keep modern economies humming along.
What the bail-out of Fannie & Freddie, by us U.S. taxpayers, means, is that in addition to the U.S. dependence on foreign oil, we, the U.S. have become dependent on foreign capital to keep this country afloat. One of the basic and fundamental underpinnings of an economy is SAVINGS !
Any freshman should remember this from Econ 101. So what do the brains in Washington and at the Federal Reserve do..... they promote the export of manufacturing jobs. NAFTA, GATT all the programs designed to line the pockets of the super rich 1/2 of 1% of the U.S. population with gold, have effectively killed the savings engine of the middle-class; and without domestic savings, a country, the U.S. in the instant case, is dependent on foreign capital for real growth in the economy. The Republican penchant for killing off the middle-class, and the Bush administrations folly of war, have accelerated the U.S. one-way road to dependence on foreign capital and foreign oil. Manufacturing jobs, not retail, service or government jobs, contribute real value, via personal savings, to an economy.
Washington and the Bush Administration are desperate , taxpayer bail-outs are simply additional band-aids masking a fatal wound that has been self-inflicted. The U.S. financial house is made of cards, should any of the major foreign contributors stop propping up the U.S. house of cards, by with holding capital, i.e., not buying U.S. Treasury securities, the house of cards will fall down. Thank you George Bush, your appointed designate John McCain, is poised to put the last nail in the coffin. And the 1/2 of 1% super-wealthy in the U.S. truly thank you for pulling off the greatest scam and transfer of wealth in modern history.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Limitations of Democracy - U.S.A. Brand
Democracy, power to the people via general suffrage of the citizenry enjoys broad rhetorical appeal. As a "theory" democracy suggests that the " majority " is equivalent to the best rule. The U.S.A. was not constituted as a democracy because the founding fathers recognized the limitations of a democracy. John Stuart Mill, in his essays On Liberty outlined the limitations by reference to the "tyranny of the majority " where reason is subordinate to rhetoric and style. Over the years the U.S. has strayed from the path ( Constitution, 1789 ) established as the foundation for a nation; in 1870 suffrage was extended to males of color and servitude, and in 1920 females were given the right to vote. Today, in the U.S., with the exception of certain convicted felons, virtually every U.S. citizen over 18 has the right to vote. Ballots are printed in many languages, the is no educational or literacy requirement, the ability to read and write is not required. Absentee ballots by mail are counted, and there is no verification process to determine who actually filled out and submitted a absentee or mailed ballot. In the U.S., voting is a flawed process at best, and a flawed process that has lead to flawed results.
Rhetoric and style have given rise to leaders who have dark pasts: Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930's were able to seduce their nations, and lead them to ruin. General suffrage, and the U.S.A. brand of democracy, is an incubator for fascism. Naive populations can be whipped into a frenzy by idealistic rhetoric or religious referent. The danger in today's nuclear world should be obvious. The U.S. atomic bombing of Japan in 1945 is an example of how things can go wrong. Today the U.S.A. is on another nuclear threshold, and a naive population swayed by rhetoric and style, is poised to unleash the "Armageddon paradigm " ending the majority of viable civilization in the name of God. The U.S.A. has thrown logic and reason aside, opting for rhetoric, style and religious zeal to determine who pulls the nuclear trigger.
Rhetoric and style have given rise to leaders who have dark pasts: Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930's were able to seduce their nations, and lead them to ruin. General suffrage, and the U.S.A. brand of democracy, is an incubator for fascism. Naive populations can be whipped into a frenzy by idealistic rhetoric or religious referent. The danger in today's nuclear world should be obvious. The U.S. atomic bombing of Japan in 1945 is an example of how things can go wrong. Today the U.S.A. is on another nuclear threshold, and a naive population swayed by rhetoric and style, is poised to unleash the "Armageddon paradigm " ending the majority of viable civilization in the name of God. The U.S.A. has thrown logic and reason aside, opting for rhetoric, style and religious zeal to determine who pulls the nuclear trigger.
Monday, September 1, 2008
CAUTION WORLD - Hockey Mom Has Finger on Nuclear Trigger
Living outside the U.S. has become more dangerous with each passing day. The invasion of Iraq demonstrates that U.S. foreign policy boils down to a military "preemptive" first strike, shock and awe, bombs away assault on whom ever Washington perceives as a potential threat to U.S. business or military interests. During the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration exercised restraint in not using the nuclear option, largely do to the unpopularity of the war in the U.S. The nuclear option was first used by the U.S. in 1945 as a means of obtaining an "unconditional surrender " by Japan and the U.S. has been the only nuclear power to exercise this holocaust "option". The U.S. War College has run computer scenarios for the use of nuclear weapons in the Middle-East, Asia, and Eastern Europe, and U.S. nuclear assets have been deployed and stationed adjacent to these target regions.
Only in America ( the U.S.A. ) would a hockey-mom be in a position to pull the nuclear trigger killing millions of innocent civilians in other parts of the world. Other nuclear powers have more sense of responsibility then exercised in the U.S., and our NATO allies should take note of this uniquely U.S. anomaly.
Senator John McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his Presidential running
mate demonstrates that U.S. politics is prone to pandering to the primal feelings of a self-absorbed, naive and ignorant population. Yet a population that has the power to put
a hockey mom's finger on the nuclear trigger.
Only in America ( the U.S.A. ) would a hockey-mom be in a position to pull the nuclear trigger killing millions of innocent civilians in other parts of the world. Other nuclear powers have more sense of responsibility then exercised in the U.S., and our NATO allies should take note of this uniquely U.S. anomaly.
Senator John McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his Presidential running
mate demonstrates that U.S. politics is prone to pandering to the primal feelings of a self-absorbed, naive and ignorant population. Yet a population that has the power to put
a hockey mom's finger on the nuclear trigger.
Friday, August 15, 2008
U.S./Georgia vs. Russia - Background Facts
The Bush Administrations & McCain campaign pronouncements on the Georgia v. Russia, situation should taken with a grain-of-salt; fortunately European governments in the know are not so quick to pull the trigger.
The Soviet Union ( U.S.S.R ) fell apart in the 1990's; part and parcel to the break-up many of the component historical states sought complete independence, and many of the regions within those components wanted separate recognition and identity, e.g., Kosovo. Some of the regions within the historical states, have ethnic enclaves and comprise relatively small areas of land; Kosovo for example comprises around 4,100 acres of land. In the U.S. these enclaves would be considered mere neighborhoods where persons of particular ethnic backgrounds live and congregate, e.g, Little Italy in New York; but inspite of size, the U.S. has been skilled in igniting and exploiting regional European ethnic divides. European NATO members have been left to police the pieces, with little cost to the U.S., and bear the burden and the majority of the costs associated with long term deployments.
The U.S. has had and maintained a "divide and conquer foreign policy " for years, spanning both Republican and Democratic administrations. The break up of the Soviet Union presented the U.S. with numerous opportunities to aggressively pursue this "divide and conquer " policy. One of the strategies employed by the U.S. has been to "groom" potential leaders for placement as heads of emerging foreign states, and by financially supporting and encouraging independence claims of ethnic groups. The U.S. rush to recruit and groom future leaders of U.S.S.R. fall-out states , including $100's of millions in U.S. aid, often funneled through CIA fronts, has touched and re-shaped the geo-politics of Europe. Big Oil has had a major say in U.S. foreign policy, dictating specific geographic regions of priority concern. Those geographic regions given U.S. priority co-incidentally have oil, natural gas, and/or pipelines as a Common Thread. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and GEORGIA all share this Common Thread. One of the objects of Big Oil is to choke off Western Europe from access to cheap Russian oil and natural gas and the Bush Administration has dutifully responded with its "get tough" with Russia policies. Western media have again been sucked in by the U.S./ Bush Administrations "cold war" rhetoric, the mask obscuring the true purpose: BIG PROFITS for Big Oil and U.S. military contractors.
Consistent with the U.S. "divide and conquer" foreign policy, the U.S recruited Mikheil Saakashvilli, educated him at New York law schools, and provided him with a position in a prominent New York law firm, until it was opportune to send him back to Georgia, with U.S. intelligence and financial support, to position Saakashvilli so that he, in 2004, would be elected President of break-away Georgia. The U.S. also financed (in the neighborhod of $400 million U.S. taxpayer dollars ), armed and trained Saakashvilli's supporters, currently referred to Georgian forces, 2000 of whom were deployed to Iraq.
From 1922 to August, 2008, two ethnic enclaves/ regions of historical Georgia, had operated autonomously : South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In the summer, 2007, the U.S. sent over 1000 U.S. marines and special forces to Georgia to "conduct military exercises " with the Georgian forces. This was a "veiled " U.S. excuse to plan and provide Georgian forces with armament, ammunition and other military equipment, ordnance and intelligence, so that Georgian forces could invade the autonomous regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, staged to occur corresponding to the opening of the Olympic games in Beijing where the U.S. knew Prime Minister Putin and President Bush would be in attendance. The Georgian forces ( U.S. proxy ) invasion and carnage in South Ossetia, was calculated to embarrass Russia on the World Stage and diminish the spotlight on China [ kill two birds with one stone approach]; McCain was penciled in as a third party beneficiary. As with many of the Bush Administrations calculations, things have not worked out as planned; and thousands of civilians in the region have suffered or died and towns have been destroyed.
The by-lines of Bush Administration do not represent the whole truth of matters. The U.S. public deserves to know that there are opposing views and how $100's of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent abroad to further the financial gains of Big Oil and U.S. military contractors. The Bush Administration has discarded the U.S. mantle of peace-maker, and has turned the U.S. into the worlds No.1, For-Profit "trouble-maker".
The Soviet Union ( U.S.S.R ) fell apart in the 1990's; part and parcel to the break-up many of the component historical states sought complete independence, and many of the regions within those components wanted separate recognition and identity, e.g., Kosovo. Some of the regions within the historical states, have ethnic enclaves and comprise relatively small areas of land; Kosovo for example comprises around 4,100 acres of land. In the U.S. these enclaves would be considered mere neighborhoods where persons of particular ethnic backgrounds live and congregate, e.g, Little Italy in New York; but inspite of size, the U.S. has been skilled in igniting and exploiting regional European ethnic divides. European NATO members have been left to police the pieces, with little cost to the U.S., and bear the burden and the majority of the costs associated with long term deployments.
The U.S. has had and maintained a "divide and conquer foreign policy " for years, spanning both Republican and Democratic administrations. The break up of the Soviet Union presented the U.S. with numerous opportunities to aggressively pursue this "divide and conquer " policy. One of the strategies employed by the U.S. has been to "groom" potential leaders for placement as heads of emerging foreign states, and by financially supporting and encouraging independence claims of ethnic groups. The U.S. rush to recruit and groom future leaders of U.S.S.R. fall-out states , including $100's of millions in U.S. aid, often funneled through CIA fronts, has touched and re-shaped the geo-politics of Europe. Big Oil has had a major say in U.S. foreign policy, dictating specific geographic regions of priority concern. Those geographic regions given U.S. priority co-incidentally have oil, natural gas, and/or pipelines as a Common Thread. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and GEORGIA all share this Common Thread. One of the objects of Big Oil is to choke off Western Europe from access to cheap Russian oil and natural gas and the Bush Administration has dutifully responded with its "get tough" with Russia policies. Western media have again been sucked in by the U.S./ Bush Administrations "cold war" rhetoric, the mask obscuring the true purpose: BIG PROFITS for Big Oil and U.S. military contractors.
Consistent with the U.S. "divide and conquer" foreign policy, the U.S recruited Mikheil Saakashvilli, educated him at New York law schools, and provided him with a position in a prominent New York law firm, until it was opportune to send him back to Georgia, with U.S. intelligence and financial support, to position Saakashvilli so that he, in 2004, would be elected President of break-away Georgia. The U.S. also financed (in the neighborhod of $400 million U.S. taxpayer dollars ), armed and trained Saakashvilli's supporters, currently referred to Georgian forces, 2000 of whom were deployed to Iraq.
From 1922 to August, 2008, two ethnic enclaves/ regions of historical Georgia, had operated autonomously : South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In the summer, 2007, the U.S. sent over 1000 U.S. marines and special forces to Georgia to "conduct military exercises " with the Georgian forces. This was a "veiled " U.S. excuse to plan and provide Georgian forces with armament, ammunition and other military equipment, ordnance and intelligence, so that Georgian forces could invade the autonomous regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, staged to occur corresponding to the opening of the Olympic games in Beijing where the U.S. knew Prime Minister Putin and President Bush would be in attendance. The Georgian forces ( U.S. proxy ) invasion and carnage in South Ossetia, was calculated to embarrass Russia on the World Stage and diminish the spotlight on China [ kill two birds with one stone approach]; McCain was penciled in as a third party beneficiary. As with many of the Bush Administrations calculations, things have not worked out as planned; and thousands of civilians in the region have suffered or died and towns have been destroyed.
The by-lines of Bush Administration do not represent the whole truth of matters. The U.S. public deserves to know that there are opposing views and how $100's of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent abroad to further the financial gains of Big Oil and U.S. military contractors. The Bush Administration has discarded the U.S. mantle of peace-maker, and has turned the U.S. into the worlds No.1, For-Profit "trouble-maker".
Monday, August 11, 2008
Georgia - Here We Go Again - Common Thread= OIL
The recent rant of McCain regarding the Russian/Georgian situation reinforces his prior pledge, if elected, to engage in " 100 year[s] of war in the middle east ". As with Bush, McCain advocates diplomacy from the barrel of a gun, a gun for hired by Big Oil. NOTE McCAIN'S OPEN REFERENCE TO THE OIL PIPELINE IN THE REGION. As in the case of Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, the common underlying thread is OIL or pipelines transporting OIL.
McCain, Bush and crew have privatized the U.S. military, under the guise of U.S. interests, as the hit men for BIG OIL. We U.S. citizens will never know how many millions are being funneled into secret foreign bank accounts of Bush, Cheney, McCain, U.S. Generals and Admirals, by BIG OIL, in payment for their "services" in the middle-east.
People have short memories, President Eisenhower warned about the takeover of the U.S. Government by the military and industrial ( Big Oil ) interests. Here we go again, committing U.S. taxpayer dollars and American blood so that Big Oil and its execs can enjoy BIG PROFITS.
McCain, Bush and crew have privatized the U.S. military, under the guise of U.S. interests, as the hit men for BIG OIL. We U.S. citizens will never know how many millions are being funneled into secret foreign bank accounts of Bush, Cheney, McCain, U.S. Generals and Admirals, by BIG OIL, in payment for their "services" in the middle-east.
People have short memories, President Eisenhower warned about the takeover of the U.S. Government by the military and industrial ( Big Oil ) interests. Here we go again, committing U.S. taxpayer dollars and American blood so that Big Oil and its execs can enjoy BIG PROFITS.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mortgage Band-Aid Will Not Fix Economy
Let's face it, the U.S. economy is poised for collapse do to the ignorance of Congress, the President and his band of thieves. OK, maybe Congress, the President and followers are just naive, but the fact is that everyone with common sense knows that the mortgage bail-out band-aid is not going to fix anything and very few homeowners will benefit from this taxpayer give-away. The current crisis is nothing more then a warmed over version of the Savings & Loan mess of the 1980's. Congress passed another bail-out, nothing was fixed. De-regulation and privatization is at the bottom of the Savings & Loan crisis as well as the current sub-prime mortgage crisis. Had de-regulation and privatization not occurred, it is very probably that U.S. citizens and taxpayers would not be paying for corporate greed again.
Take a hard look.... did the de-regulation of utilities ( gas, electric, water, phone ) resulting lower prices or better service to we peons ( general public )....NO. Who benefited...company execs. Did banking de-regulation result in better service and lower costs...NO. Who benefited....
bank execs.
A little history will put things in perspective: 1930's depression..cause corporate greed;
Congress and the Roosevelt admistration enacted regulations; 1980's the Reagan administration started hipping away at regulations ( Saving & Loan crisis ) and the current George Bush
finished emasculated the remainder of government regulation...Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis.
Times have changed, ideology meets reality. It took the U.S. over 20 years to get back on it's feet after the 1930's depression. But things were different, WWII, ended the Marshall Plan provided 100's of millions to U.S. factories to produce goods to rebuild Europe, resulting in increasing wages to U.S. workers, who in turn, were able to save. Basically, little or no capital was exported from the U.S. TODAY, and over the past 8 years, the U.S. has been exporting good paying jobs, there is virtually no personal savings, inflation has a strong foothold, and the U.S. has been exporting capital and unprecedented rates; war in Iraq $13 billion a week, foreign oil..billions,the purchase of goods the U.S. no longer manufacturers ...billions. Bottom line... thanks to Congress and President Bush, the U.S. no longer has a financial foundation to re-build the economy on. The mortage bail, now law, is just another nail in the coffin.
Take a hard look.... did the de-regulation of utilities ( gas, electric, water, phone ) resulting lower prices or better service to we peons ( general public )....NO. Who benefited...company execs. Did banking de-regulation result in better service and lower costs...NO. Who benefited....
bank execs.
A little history will put things in perspective: 1930's depression..cause corporate greed;
Congress and the Roosevelt admistration enacted regulations; 1980's the Reagan administration started hipping away at regulations ( Saving & Loan crisis ) and the current George Bush
finished emasculated the remainder of government regulation...Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis.
Times have changed, ideology meets reality. It took the U.S. over 20 years to get back on it's feet after the 1930's depression. But things were different, WWII, ended the Marshall Plan provided 100's of millions to U.S. factories to produce goods to rebuild Europe, resulting in increasing wages to U.S. workers, who in turn, were able to save. Basically, little or no capital was exported from the U.S. TODAY, and over the past 8 years, the U.S. has been exporting good paying jobs, there is virtually no personal savings, inflation has a strong foothold, and the U.S. has been exporting capital and unprecedented rates; war in Iraq $13 billion a week, foreign oil..billions,the purchase of goods the U.S. no longer manufacturers ...billions. Bottom line... thanks to Congress and President Bush, the U.S. no longer has a financial foundation to re-build the economy on. The mortage bail, now law, is just another nail in the coffin.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
D. Citizen Blog ~ Wake Up Call ~ People Power
Politicians have lead the U.S. astray and into bankruptcy ! The old U.S. Constitution, over time, gave every citizen the right to vote. Unfortunately, many citizens entitled to vote have not registered to vote, or simply don't vote because they don't believe they will have any effect on the outcome. And let's face it, until very recently, things have been pretty good, so citizens have not kept a watchful eye on what is going on in our State legislatures and in Congress.
TIMES HAVE CHANGED, things are getting worse, much worse and will continue downhill if we, as U.S. citizens, continue to be lead like sheep by Politicians in our State legislatures, and those in Congress and the White House. Regardless of your party affiliation, Politicians are motivated by personal greed and aspirations for power that leave the average citizen and voter in the dust. Politicians and Court Judges have become the masters and we are simply surfs of no consequence except to pay taxes.
Politicians, the White House and Courts have run this once great country into the ground. The combined lack of 'common sense' in our State capitols and in Washington, D.C., is astounding - THERE IS NONE. Greed and personal interest have dictated, and lead the U.S. economy to virtual collapse. The reliance on "Ivy Leaguers" has proven to be a disaster for the majority of citizens.
OK, we all know what is wrong, but how to "fix it". Back in 1995, anticipating a
collapse, a pamphlet titled " New Atlantis, The Re-Engineering of America " was published and sent to every U.S. Senator and Congressman, and the President and V.P.; as with other things sent to Washington, D.C., unless accompanied by a non-traceable 'donation' of $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 or more, it went directly into the trash. OUR 'HAND-OUT' FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE ROOT OF U.S. PROBLEMS.
1st, register to vote, and vote for a party or person who is not an incumbent, preferably a third party. Why, because the Democratic/Republican party log jam must be broken or it will continue to be business as usual, meaning nothing of substance will get done, $billions will be wasted, and individual citizens will all go broke feeding the hogs in State Capitols and in Washington, D.C. Remember, of all the matters of concern and importance to citizens, what merited the last
( 27th ) U.S. Constitutional Amendment ? CONGRESSIONAL SALARIES.
WASHINGTON, D.C. , does not give a crap about you or me; their pay is number 1.
*Does the U.S. Constitution ( yr. 1789 ) need to be updated ?
No __
Politicians have lead the U.S. astray and into bankruptcy ! The old U.S. Constitution, over time, gave every citizen the right to vote. Unfortunately, many citizens entitled to vote have not registered to vote, or simply don't vote because they don't believe they will have any effect on the outcome. And let's face it, until very recently, things have been pretty good, so citizens have not kept a watchful eye on what is going on in our State legislatures and in Congress.
TIMES HAVE CHANGED, things are getting worse, much worse and will continue downhill if we, as U.S. citizens, continue to be lead like sheep by Politicians in our State legislatures, and those in Congress and the White House. Regardless of your party affiliation, Politicians are motivated by personal greed and aspirations for power that leave the average citizen and voter in the dust. Politicians and Court Judges have become the masters and we are simply surfs of no consequence except to pay taxes.
Politicians, the White House and Courts have run this once great country into the ground. The combined lack of 'common sense' in our State capitols and in Washington, D.C., is astounding - THERE IS NONE. Greed and personal interest have dictated, and lead the U.S. economy to virtual collapse. The reliance on "Ivy Leaguers" has proven to be a disaster for the majority of citizens.
OK, we all know what is wrong, but how to "fix it". Back in 1995, anticipating a
collapse, a pamphlet titled " New Atlantis, The Re-Engineering of America " was published and sent to every U.S. Senator and Congressman, and the President and V.P.; as with other things sent to Washington, D.C., unless accompanied by a non-traceable 'donation' of $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 or more, it went directly into the trash. OUR 'HAND-OUT' FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE ROOT OF U.S. PROBLEMS.
1st, register to vote, and vote for a party or person who is not an incumbent, preferably a third party. Why, because the Democratic/Republican party log jam must be broken or it will continue to be business as usual, meaning nothing of substance will get done, $billions will be wasted, and individual citizens will all go broke feeding the hogs in State Capitols and in Washington, D.C. Remember, of all the matters of concern and importance to citizens, what merited the last
( 27th ) U.S. Constitutional Amendment ? CONGRESSIONAL SALARIES.
WASHINGTON, D.C. , does not give a crap about you or me; their pay is number 1.
*Does the U.S. Constitution ( yr. 1789 ) need to be updated ?
No __
Monday, July 21, 2008
The McCain Elite - Power/Wealth/ & Slaves
Let's take a look at Senator John McCain. I'm no scholar or pundit, just an ordinary guy, but the McCain campaign ' Straight Talk Express ' is a dog that doesn't hunt. The guy is a warrior, great grandson of a Mississippi plantation slave owner, grandfather and father were 4 star Admirals, great uncle was a General, this 'poor' boy married into hundreds of millions. So he knows or has any clue of what the average U.S. citizen goes through or faces, COME ON GIVE ME A BREAK !
What John McCain knows is how to kill, how to make profits for his wealthy friends by passing out war ( defense ) contracts and how to bankrupt the U.S. and citizens by the constant foreign deployment of U.S. troops [ '100 year war'... McCain's own words ]. McCain could care less about U.S. troops as demonstrated by his vote against and lack of support for U.S. Veterans. Bottom line, this guy is bad news for every U.S. citizen hoping for gainful employment. Ordinary working stiffs are far below McCains social class and he has no sympathy for enlisted veterans, or junior officers, who he considers as nothing more than cannon fodder.
I am an old fart senior, but call see through all the McCain hoop-la - McCains Arizona buddies, Senator Jon Kyl and Congressman Trent Franks and others voted against the recent Medicare bill - if you are middle class , McCain could care less; when your wife declares a yearly income of over $6,000,000.00 + do you thank any of us in the middle class are of concern, we are all dispensable and can easily be replaced by illegal aliens who will work for less then minimum wage in McCains friends factories, or on McCains friends plantations; the rest of citizens between 18-45 will be sent off to some McCain contrived foreign war.
What John McCain knows is how to kill, how to make profits for his wealthy friends by passing out war ( defense ) contracts and how to bankrupt the U.S. and citizens by the constant foreign deployment of U.S. troops [ '100 year war'... McCain's own words ]. McCain could care less about U.S. troops as demonstrated by his vote against and lack of support for U.S. Veterans. Bottom line, this guy is bad news for every U.S. citizen hoping for gainful employment. Ordinary working stiffs are far below McCains social class and he has no sympathy for enlisted veterans, or junior officers, who he considers as nothing more than cannon fodder.
I am an old fart senior, but call see through all the McCain hoop-la - McCains Arizona buddies, Senator Jon Kyl and Congressman Trent Franks and others voted against the recent Medicare bill - if you are middle class , McCain could care less; when your wife declares a yearly income of over $6,000,000.00 + do you thank any of us in the middle class are of concern, we are all dispensable and can easily be replaced by illegal aliens who will work for less then minimum wage in McCains friends factories, or on McCains friends plantations; the rest of citizens between 18-45 will be sent off to some McCain contrived foreign war.
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